United Nations “Botched” More Sexual Abuse Cases & It’s Not The First Time

The United Nations has been under public scrutiny for quite some time now, and for good reason. Sexual abuse is a recurring problem in the organization, with numerous UN peacekeepers being accused of sexually assaulting the very people to whom they were meant to provide aid and protection. What’s worse, the organization often sweeps these cases under the rug rather than addressing them head on.

Antidepressants are killing people: Risk of early death increased by 33%

There is no doubt that the intense stresses and pressures of modern life have left many people feeling depressed and unable to cope. While there are certainly people who have serious mental health issues and require therapy and other treatment to help them with their struggles, it is also true that antidepressant medications like Prozac and Zoloft are viewed almost as cure-alls in our society. More people than ever before are being prescribed these medications, often without being fully informed about their serious side effects and potential for long-term harm.

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