
Just how toxic is your sunscreen? Many of the chemicals used to “protect” you from the sun are so hazardous that they actually threaten the well-being of some of the world’s most beautiful natural wonders, like coral reefs. In fact, the state of Hawaii just passed a bill banning the sale of sunscreens that contain coral-damaging chemicals. A bill described as the first of its kind, state legislators are taking action to stop the destruction of ocean life.

Senate Bill 2571, passed on May 1, 2018, prohibits the sale of over-the-counter sunscreens that contain oxybenzone and octinoxate.  Senator Mike Gabbard, who introduced the bill, reportedly commented in an email, “Amazingly, this is a first-in-the-world law.”

“So, Hawaii is definitely on the cutting edge by banning these dangerous chemicals in sunscreens. When you think about it, our island paradise, surrounded by coral reefs, is the perfect place to set the gold standard for the world to follow. This will make a huge difference in protecting our coral reefs, marine life, and human health,” he stated.


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