As The 2nd Civil War Begins In Portland, ‘Death Of A Nation’ Offers A Devastating Look At The ‘Big Lies’ Of Progressives, Exposing Hidden History And Explosive Truths

And while the Democrats have made it clear that Antifa is their chosen terrorist organization, a look at the tactics used by Antifa prove to us that they are the ‘real fascists’, attempting to silence the speech of anybody who they disagree with, using violence against peaceful demonstrators as we see in the 2nd video below which shows some of what happened in Portland on Saturday night and for some reason, actually supporting global totalitarianism by going up against the nationalism seen in President Donald Trump and MAGA.

CNN proves itself to be tabloid fake news after falsely claiming a MAN gave birth and breastfeeds “his” child

In the lead-up to Father’s Day this year, fake news giant CNN decided to publish a ridiculously tabloidesque propaganda feature about a mentally-deranged woman pretending to be a man, claiming that this “man” gave birth to a child, is breastfeeding that child, and now represents the child’s “father” – even though the individual is a biological female.

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