When it was launched, the Cable News Network – CNN, as it would come to be known – was considered a bold experiment in journalism. Would anyone watch a 24-hour network dedicated strictly to breaking news?

As it turns out, the answer was yes, and CNN went on to command large audiences, especially when the news was equally large, such as during the first Gulf War. CNN’s Baghdad correspondents provided in-depth, real-time coverage of American combat forces as they quickly pulverized what was the fourth-largest army in the world at the time.

That was then. Today, the network is a shell of its former self, in terms of viewers anyway, and there is no one to blame but management itself. Since becoming a shill for every Left-wing cause and political candidate that comes down the pipe, the network has slipped dramatically, and is no longer considered credible by scores of Americans.

Case in point: The network is so in the tank for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton that it refuses to spend any time at all seriously scrutinizing her very obvious health issues.

In recent days the network managing editors have come to the conclusion that a letter from Clinton’s doctor “debunks” concerns over her health, while at the same time some show hosts are insisting that a similar letter from the physician of GOP nominee Donald J. Trump is not to be taken seriously.

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