In no particular order, the crises all of us will face are:

— Widespread hunger: Most Americans never think about going hungry because a) there are supermarkets all over the place, and b) even if you don’t have a job the government will provide you with the means to purchase food, via tax-supported entitlement programs. But what most don’t realize is that food logistic chains in the U.S. are so fragile that no U.S. city will be able to feed its population in the event of an collapse. Hunger will lead scores to raid store shelves, emptying them in a matter of minutes. After that, the only food that will be available to anyone who has not stocked up on long-term storable foods or who has no ability to grow some will be whatever is trucked in by the government. And since the economic collapse will be nationwide, the government’s ability to distribute food will be maxed out immediately.

— Sporadic public services: In a collapse situation, expect widespread looting and rioting – which will also put a major strain on available public services, including fire, EMS and police. Anyone who does not have the ability to protect and defend themselves will be at greater risk, and that is likely to be most people, especially those living in large gun-free zones called American cities. Healthcare services will also be heavily strained, if they don’t collapse outright.

— Social unrest, widespread unemployment, chaos: An economic collapse will mean that, overnight, unemployment will skyrocket, reaching 50, 60, 70 percent or higher. This will only add to the panic and social chaos and unrest, as tens of millions of Americans take to the streets as a means of trying to support themselves and their families. Regular employment will take months or even years to return, as millions of small, medium and large businesses go bust. The only “economy” that will emerge in the short- to mid-term is a barter economy, so it’s best now to begin collecting items that are very useful to barter.

— Transportation: With little to no money to spend, Americans won’t be able to afford gasoline for their vehicles. Companies won’t be able to buy fuel for their transport services, and public transportation will also likely collapse because cities will devolve into war zones. Having alternative forms of transportation – like gas-sipping motorcycles and scooters, or even bicycles – will be a major benefit to you.

— Housing woes: This might actually be the least of your worries. If the economy goes belly up and you lose your job, the bank may come after your house, or it may not. In 2007/8 during the height of the Great Recession, foreclosures skyrocketed, a phenomenon that went on for years afterward. But a great collapse will lead to far more loan defaults than what took place then. What will banks do with so much excess property on their hands? They won’t be able to sell it, so it’s possible they won’t act to foreclose on it. But if they do, you’re going to need to find somewhere to go.

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