For many Americans, neither candidate for President, in their eyes, is suited for the job, and they’d much rather vote for Mickey Mouse than to choose from the current front-runners. But the main problem is that one of the candidates will surely infringe upon personal freedoms that make a huge difference in health for all members of the family, including adults, children, infants, and babies on the way.

If you think there’s no difference regarding food and medical freedoms at stake in this election, you couldn’t be more gravely mistaken. One candidate is massively funded by corporations, lobbyists, biotechnology companies, pharmaceutical regimes, and Wall Street. In 2014, that same candidate openly stated at the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) convention in San Diego that food genetically engineered to contain pesticides is something we should all want.

1. Hillary Clinton is the Bride of Frankenfood and has already sold out to the Kings of GMO–Monsanto (now owned by Bayer)

2. Hillary will continue Obama’s raiding of organic farms and natural supplement distributors

3. Hillary and the Clinton Crime Family will continue to attack natural medicine doctors and bury the cures for cancer

4. Hillary supports forced mass vaccination of infants, children and adults


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