
Under the inconspicuous subject line simply “Thanks,” Podesta writes, “Didn’t think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard.”

“Wetworks” or “wet works,” it has been pointed out, is a military euphemism for assassination.

Elmendorf responds with, “I am all in. Sounds like it will be a bad nite, we all need to buckle up and double down.”

The exchange is dated February 9th. Scalia died at Cibolo Creek Ranch on the 12th, just before he was set to potentially overturn Affirmative Action. Despite the suspicious circumstances surrounding his death, Scalia was immediately embalmed within 24 hours of his body being found, no autopsy.

Cibolo Creek Ranch just so happens to have a pool and is located near what some say is a vineyard, see below:


The theory is cropping up all over social media sites like Facebook, Reddit, and 4-chan.


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