Comrade X: The Cult of Celebrity Personality and the Hive Mind

Do you know or care what your favorite auto mechanic thinks about genetically modified organisms in the food chain? Do you know or care about what your dentist thinks about the vulnerability of the electric grid to solar coronal mass ejections? Both your mechanic and your dentist are far more important in your life than Miley Cyrus or Matt Damon. What’s more, they actually know you exist and probably live in the same community you do.

If you don’t care what your mechanic or dentist think about subjects they have little knowledge of, why would you care what some celebrity thinks about, well, anything? Its extremely unlikely that Miley Cyrus or Matt Damon know or care very much about geo-politics or macro-economics or even the recent history of our civilization. They are entertainers, the same as any singer, actor or sports figure.

In a very real sense, they don’t live in the same world you do. They make a living from being the center of attention. As long as people are willing to pay ridiculous amounts of money to see them sing or act or play ball, they are relatively insulated from the problems the rest of us face. And if those problems DO start to affect them, well, that’s when its nice to have ridiculous amounts of money.

I understand that it feels nice on a certain level to discover that somebody famous feels the same way about an issue that you do – particularly when its an issue you’ve researched and come to form your views about based on rational thought and calm reflection rather than succumbing to hype and emotional manipulation.

But, truth be told, that’s NOT how most of us arrive at our views. We are all, like it or not, the result of our cultural conditioning. This conditioning used to be done by our families, churches and communities. Now it is largely the product of a news-entertainment-educational complex that is no longer controlled by us and the people we are closest to, or even people who have our best interests in mind.

The people who are running the show don’t care about you, your kids or your future – they only care about holding on to what they have and keeping you under control. The celebrities who promote the various political programs know that if they want to keep their personal gravy train of fame and fortune rolling they need to toe the line.

Stop being a puppet for people who don’t give a damn about you. You won’t gain anything by playing their game because they can afford to hire experts in manipulating the system the same way they can afford to hire experts who make sure they pay as little in taxes as possible.

The game is rigged – you can’t win, you can’t break even and if you try to stop playing they call you a “conspiracy theorist”.  

Written By: Comrade X

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