It’s been a little over a week since the nation woke up to discover that, despite the best efforts of various practitioners of vote fraud, they had elected Donald Trump to be President and the media that had shamelessly campaigned for Crooked Hillary has apparently learned nothing from the experience.

Donald Trump – the man who could not – would not be a serious candidate, could not – would not be the nominee, could not – would not win a general election, has done all of those things. The person they relentlessly insulted and called “clown” and “fool”, despite his being a billionaire business man is set to be sworn in come January. Did the main stream media get over itself? Did they take a deep breath, apologize and promise to try to do better next time? Did they stop and wonder why no one believes them any more? Did they even notice the falling profits despite shilling for ever more pharmaceuticals?

A few have offered the olive branch, perhaps being a little bit brighter than their counterparts and realizing that being able to get into the White House to ask questions might be useful if one decided to go into actual news reporting. But, like a gin soaked chump at the tables in Vegas, most have simply doubled down.

The attacks become ever more fantastic and fantastical. Naming a long time DC dweller to one post means Trump has sold out to the establishment. Naming an actual journalist to another position shows he’s pandering to white nationalists and antisemitic – which seems kind of a pointless way to attack a guy who’s got Jewish in-laws. Jewish in-laws! Of COURSE he’s anti-semitic!

But wait, there’s more! The slime stream media has found that Trump repeated something he said about Obamacare months ago – when they weren’t paying attention because they were too busy video taping paid Clinton operatives dressed like Sanders supporters attacking people outside Trump rallies and blocking traffic. Trump dared to say, AGAIN, that he wanted pre-existing conditions covered.

The media just KNOWS that the man who couldn’t do any of those other things, will not, can not be an effective leader and they are going to prove it no matter what it costs the country or the world.

With all his talk of jobs, tax breaks and growth, clearly Trump is a worse threat to world peace and human freedom than mass murdering Soviet despot Stalin, whom Time magazine named “Man of the Year” twice, BTW.

Article Written By Comrade X

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