California Senator, Barbara Boxer, introduced legislation Tuesday that would abolish the Electoral College as a reaction to Hillary Clinton’s defeat. Such legislation may give discourse to the collective shock felt by Democrats after a contentious election, but is unlikely to gain traction with Republicans holding control of Congress in a lame duck session.

The retiring lawmaker’s bill calls for a Constitutional amendment that would end the Electoral College system. Should such a bill pass, the amendment would only take effect if ratified by three-quarters of the states within a seven-year timeframe in the U.S. Congress. Most scholars would agree that this longshot bill is little more than an exercise in futility.  Donald Trump is the fifth Presidential Candidate in history to win the Electoral College, but not the Popular Vote. A loud public outcry to abolish an “archaic” system can be heard across the country by voters that cast a ballot for Hillary Clinton. Most Americans can barely identify the Vice President let alone explain the purpose of the Electoral College. Before you sign yet another electronic petition to change our Constitution; read on for an easy explanation of The Electoral College and how it is to our benefit.



Our founding fathers were brilliant in their design of our democratic process. Originally, it was proposed that the Congress would vote for the President; but fears of corruption led to the popularity of having more people involved in the process. The President would be elected by a group of people, or “electors”, apportioned among the states in the same numbers as their representatives in Congress. The formula for how many electors would be appointed to each state was resolved in lengthy debates resulting in the Connecticut Compromise and Three-Fifths Compromise. No one that is an “Elector” can hold a US office or meet in one centralized location, which avoids unfair influence and backroom deals. Delegates from the smaller states were in favor of the Electoral College concerned that the larger states would control the Presidential Election because of their greater populations. This system was designed to be a symbiotic mixture of state and population-based authority to retain a representative form of government. The Electoral College continued to evolve resembling the process we use today. Win the popular vote in a state and the electors are bound to give you their Electoral College vote or face penalties levied by the state they represent. The Electoral College is not a place; it is a noble concept to ensure our Democratic Republic.

Enough with the history; how does it benefit you and me?



1) THE PEOPLE’S PRESIDENT: The Electoral College ensures that a presidential candidate is attractive to many regions in the United States. No region (Northeast, Southwest, etc.) has enough electoral votes to elect a president on its own. A regional favorite, such as Hillary Clinton in the Northeast, has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states, for she gains no electoral advantage by increasing her appearances in states that she knows that are a guaranteed win. A candidate with appeal in only one region is unlikely to be a successful president. The people of the other regions are likely to feel disfranchised and feel that the new president does not care about their interests. Therefore, Presidential Candidates are forced to campaign in all areas across the United States.

2) MY STATE IS BIGGER THAN YOUR STATE: If the popular vote was used to choose our President, candidates would concentrate all of their time and energy campaigning in just a few key states. The heavily populated states like California and New York would choose the president and all of the other areas would be ignored. The large cities would receive all sorts of goodies and be lavished with federal funds ignoring the small, rural areas. 3) YOUR VOTE IS WORTH MORE: If every person in the United States casts one ballot in a direct election; your vote is just one in 320 million. In our current system of having an indirect election, your vote carries a lot more clout. I live in New York; therefore if every New Yorker casts one ballot, my vote is weighted more heavily at one in 20 million. The Electoral College gives us a larger voice that might get lost during a popular vote. Minority groups would also have a greater influence on the election, by increasing the participation and helping one candidate to win all of the electors in one particular state.

Senator Boxer has a vested interest in attempting to abolish our current system. The state she resides in is the most populous state in the union. 44% of those registered to vote in California represent her Democratic Party compared to only 29% for the Republican Party. This would unfairly influence federal funding and legislation. A one-person one-vote system would ensure that there would very likely never be another Republican President again and that the Democratic Party would have an unfair monopoly.

It is understandable to be upset and feel unheard when the candidate you supported wins the Popular Vote and loses the Electoral Vote. You can complain, whine, write poetry, complete online petitions that soothe your psyche; yet the ugly truth remains despite the public outcry. The Electoral system is a fair system that represents every American and ensures every voice that casts a ballot heard. Our founding fathers created a system that is nothing short of genius.

Article Written by Traci Ann


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