After Donald Trump’s surprising victory in the presidential election, the 53-year-old comedian addressed the outcry from the left over Hillary Clinton’s loss with a single tweet Friday.

443 thoughts on “Rob Schneider Sends Tweet to ‘The Democrats’

  1. Anonymous says:


    1. Anonymous says:

      Wow indeed!

    2. Doug says:

      We aren’t free. – Colin Kaepernick

      1. Jonathan says:

        oh we free to some points, not where we ought to be, like religious freedom, business freedom, true liberty is gone.

      2. Gary Nelson says:

        Not a slave either.

      3. Steve Pow says:

        fuck that pussy krapernick

      4. your also not a slave and never have been!

    3. I’m sorry, but if you use ANONYMOUS for your remarks and replies, you LOSE ALL CREDIBILITY. THAT MEANS YOU DON’T TAKE PRIDE IN YOU OWN THOUGHT’S.

      1. Anonymous says:


      2. yeah.. and the ALL CAPS really emphasizes your own credibility

      3. Anonymous says:


  2. Anonymous says:

    And since they were freed the GOP has done nothing to help them!

    1. Anonymous says:

      Ever heard of segregation? Know who ended it? All of these poor inner cities filled with minorities… you know which political party has been in control of those cities? You dumb asshole.

      1. The democrats have been on total control, asshole.

      2. Rich says:

        Yup, the same asshole that promised ‘his people’ that he’d help them and has done 0 in that elusive endeavor.. Same asshole that’s married to the other asshole that takes great pleasure in promoting hate and discord in her speeches to ‘her people’.. Disgusting!!! Conquer & Divide at it’s best.. Thank GOD Hillary can not propagate that hateful rhetoric anymore..

      3. George Engels says:

        Actually the liberals ended segregation with the Civil Rights Bill. Democratic President. The Democrats who voted against it were “Dixiecrats”, conservatives who voted with the Republicans. Zero northern Democrats voted against the Bill, 8 Republicans voted against the Bill.

      4. Anonymous says:
        the democratic party was considered the white mans party while the republicans were plagued with minorities after the reconstruction period before the party switch
        ya dingus

      5. Anonymous says:

        “Ever heard of segregation? Know who ended it?” History will show that it was a Democratic President by the name of Lyndon Baines Johnson (you’ve probably heard him), and the Democrats who supported the Civil Rights Act, and Voting Rights Act, while Republicans vehemently opposed it (see: Barry Goldwater). Also, while you’re busy trying to blame Democrats for the plight of inner cities, next time, try to look at the effects of “White Suburban Flight”. You dumb asshole.

      6. Chad says:

        Yes, the Democratic party has been in control of it. If you are talking about America’s urban centers of New York, Chicago, and L.A., they have been under democratic control. Please check your facts.

      7. Typical anonymous coward who without ideas calls you a name and runs behind Mom.

      8. Anonymous says:

        Yeah asshole I do. It wasn’t the Republican party as you know, asshole. It was the dixiecrats who were the democrats who are now the republicans Wrap you’re stupid fucking skull around that. asshole.

      9. And how has that been working? Still in poverty, still full of drugs, still mostly single parent homes, still voting Democrat?

    2. Anonymous says:

      the truth hurts

      1. Hey Anonymous…….you sound like such a wonderful human being. Well, at least to all of the other childish liberals that can’t engage in a decent, somewhat respectful, adult conversation. The Democrat way of debating / discussing facts and issues is to hurl insults and do a bunch of name calling, all while screaming and yelling as loud as they can and that right there is the NUMBER ONE reason the left lost the election !!! After reading your comments I’m thinking they should make you the party poster child ! Those Democrats you seem to hold such high praise for are doing a fine job ruling some of America’s largest cities, fine job of rounding out the top five cities in America with the highest murder rate per 100,000 residents !!!!! These numbers as of July 2016 so the city @ #5 may have jumped a spot or two due to the fact the month of Aug was its deadliest month in two decades. #5 ) Chicago #4 )Las Vegas #3) Wash.D.C #2) Detroit and my city comes in at #1 ) Baltimore…..ALL RULED BY DEMOCRATS !!!!!! In 1857, a Democratically controlled Supreme Court delivered the Dred Scott decision, declaring that blacks were not persons or citizens but instead were property and therefore had no rights.
        The 13th Amendment to abolish slavery was voted for by 100% of the Republicans in congress and by 23% of the Democrats in congress.
        Not one Democrat either in the House or the Senate voted for the 14th amendment declaring that former slaves were full citizens of the state in which they lived and were therefore entitled to all the rights and privileges of any other citizen in that state.
        Not a single one of the 56 Democrats in Congress voted for the 15th amendment that granted explicit voting rights to black Americans.
        In 1866 Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan to pave the way for Democrats to regain control in the elections.

    3. Anonymous says:

      If there are freed slaves alive today from Civil War days, hell I will write them a check personally. Since there isn’t, I will just have to assume that everyone can take care of themselves…..

    4. Anonymous says:

      Have they done anything to help themselves?

    5. Maybe because they need to do that for them selves,idiot. Think before you type.

      1. Anonymous says:

        “Themselves” is one word, idiot.

    6. dan says:

      Yeah right , who was it that brought in the national giard , or the army , to allow integration when the dems refused?

      1. Anonymous says:

        Traditionally democrats were traditional and republicans were progressive. What you speak of was when practices were reversed.

    7. Sharron Duncan. says:

      The Democrat Party fought Civil Rights tooth and nail until LBJ buckled under pressure from the Right. Outwardly they said the right words but when it counted, their actions did not match their words. Look it up. It is in the Congressional Records!

      1. Anonymous says:

        But yesterdays Democrats were conservatives, the platforms reversed…look it up! Democrats today are the progressive and liberals and the ones fighting civil issues with Republicans fighting it. If your defense is how things were handled years ago, you need to take accountability of today’s and your party.

      2. Anonymous says:

        Abraham Lincoln was the first elected Republican President. By his actions, he was the first catalyst for the civil rights moment by freeing slaves. Your quote of LBJ and the Democratic Party fought for Civil Rights was in the 1960’s is accurate, the Republican Party started this movement 100 years early. Look it up, it’s part of HISTORY.

      3. Diane Willis says:

        Sharron Duncan. . .guess you didn’t quite go back far enough–you know, the Kennedy brothers. Yeah, them. They had a great deal to do with the civil rights movement.

      4. Yup, absolutely correct. Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act, but Republicans got it passed with majority.

      5. George Engels says:

        No, the Dixiecrats fought it. They were conservative. The Liberal northern Democrats supported the Civil Rights Bill.

      6. lillith says:

        LBJ buckled to repugs? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha

      7. Anonymous November 19, 2016 at 10:30 AM
        Traditionally democrats were traditional and republicans were progressive. What you speak of was when practices were reversed. OK … just keep on believing those lies. There is a reason the Democrat party keeps trying to brainwash younger generations with the ” white guilt ” feeling…..because it was the Democrats that kept the slaves in chains. These days they use their liberal policies to keep people in a different kind of chains…..poverty and welfare !!!!!

      8. Also before when Johnson was in the senate He pulled a Harry Reed and wouldn’t let the Republican Civil Rights Bill be brought to the floor.

    8. Anonymous says:

      And what has the Demorats done, … Oh thats right an Obama phone and 53% increase of them on food stamps and welfair …

      1. Rico Lee says:

        actually 75% of welfare recipients are white therefor your 53% is out of 15% with the other 10% being Latino’s and other ethnicities. Thanks for your misleading comment though

      2. Tiffany says:

        53% increase (if it’s even accurate) that’s still substantially behind the number of white people who are on welfare. They have dominated in government assistance yet it gets thrown in black people’s face like it’s a crime. Know the facts . . .

      3. tom davis says:

        rico lee, guess you did NOT figure that ratio wise the black population is only 15% of the population do if YOU can do the math they is way more blacks on welfare.

      4. Anonymous says:

        Bush is responsible for the mobile lifeline program

      5. Anonymous says:

        Demonstrating that you’re illiterate erodes the credibility of your criticism … the correct spelling is “welfare”. Also, the fact that your statement is not at all accurate further erodes your credibility. Good job.

      6. George Engels says:

        They went on food stamps after the Bush administration crashed our economy in 2008.

      7. Mel Raid says:

        Rico Lee. The truth is 16% of whites on welfare. 22% Latino and 39% of blacks. Typical lying pos liberal.

      8. Anonymous says:

        Rico Lee: Not quite sure where the hell you got that ridiculous number, but according to the latest report from the Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, CATO Institute; The numbers are as follows:

        Number of Americans receiving welfare assistance: 110,489,000
        Number of Americans receiving food stamps: 41,700,000
        Number of Americans on unemployment insurance: 10,200,000
        Percentage of the US population on welfare: 35.4%
        Total government spending on welfare annually: $131.9 billion

        And, believe it or not, the numbers are nearly identical. There are just about as many whites on welfare as there are Blacks.

        This also means that your 75% number, is, well………….wrong.

        Percent of welfare recipients who are white: 38.8%
        Percent of welfare recipients who are black: 39.8%

        (Note: Before anyone confuses these statistics. This does not mean that 38.8% of all white Americans, and 39.8% of all Black Americans are on welfare. It means that 39.8% of all the actual welfare recipients are Black, and 38.8% of all the welfare recipients are white.)

        Which makes the number of blacks on welfare much higher, when you factor in the overall number of blacks and whites in the U.S.

        This took me 2 seconds to find, via

        So before you go spouting off anymore ridiculously made up statistics; Try actually looking for yourself, rather than creating numbers out of thin air, due to your bias.

      9. Anonymous says:

        Here are some more *actual* statistics for you to consider before you continue to spread your imaginary numbers. As I stated above, those numbers are not representative of total number of blacks and whites in the country. Only the number of blacks and whites that receive welfare.

        So here are the percentages out of the total population of each race, below:

        Percent of welfare recipients who are white / caucasian 16.8 % Total number: 11,405,000
        Percent of welfare recipients who are black 39.6 % Total number: 26,884,000
        Percent of welfare recipients who are Hispanic 21.2 % Total number: 14,392,000
        Percent of welfare recipients who are Asian or Pacific Islander 18 % Total number: 12,220,000
        Percent of welfare recipients who are Other / Mixed 4.4 % Total number: 2,987,000

        It’s always fun to randomly come across people like you on the internet. You fail to do even the simplest research. You’d rather pull some completely bogus statistics out of your ass, in a feeble attempt to feed your own bias, as well as come across as “informed”.

        Well, now you have been factually informed on the truth of the matter.

        The more you know!

        *Google is your friend*


      10. Anonymous says:

        Mel Raid: I appreciate someone else with integrity. Its as if Google – or any other search engine – is too complicated for some to use. So we end up with people like Rico Lee. I have absolutely no idea where he got that ridiculous 75% number.

    9. Kenny G says:

      The DemoCRAPS have done nothing in Chicago the last 8 years+ & 6,000 + lives lost… Snap out of it…

      1. Rich says:

        YUP!! That’s YOUR Black president doing absolutely NOTHING for his people as she promised.. Divide and Conquer at it’s best.. Thank God Hillary won’t be propagating his ‘legacy’ of racism anymore..

    10. Oliver says:

      You need to do a little more research before you make sweeping generalizations such as this. For example, no congressional democrats voted for the 14th Amendment which insured that blacks would be granted citizenship and would be granted equal protection under the law. Both parties have played a sad part in racism, not just the Republicans. There’s plenty of blame to go around.

    11. Al Wilson says:

      Better read your history my friend and you’ll find that the Dems were not what you may think, and still are not…

    12. Anonymous says:

      And what have the democrats give them except freebees,

    13. Lois Shreve says:

      The Democrats have done nothing for them either except to use them for their propaganda agenda for the past 8 years. But you all seem to forget that Obama is half white. His momma was born in Witchita, Ks and yes she was white. I am not racist but you all need to read his back ground before you jump on the bashing of the GOP train. So get a grip and a life!!!

    14. Except enact sweeping civil rights legislation in the 60’s against Democrat opposition.

    15. bill romanowski says:

      At least they are free. Hopefully they decide to help themselves, as life calls for…

    16. Unknown says:

      When given freedom, it is up to the person who is free to forge a life, not be handed one and spoon fed for the rest of their lives. That’s the difference between Republicans and Democrats. Republicans are looking for a chance to make their own way, where success or failure is a result of their own actions or inactions, where Democrats are looking for parents to take care of them forever, and they get a star just for showing up to collect their check.

    17. You might wanna Google the *entire* history of the Civil Rights movement.

    18. Rob says:

      You probably should read some more. A higher percentage of Republicans voted for civil rights laws in the 50’s and 60’s than did Democrats. Republicans throughout history were always driving the civil rights movement. Democrats actually tried to stop these laws from being voted on in the first place through filibusters. One of the leaders of the Democrats, serving in Congress from 1953 to 2010, was actually a high ranking member of the KKK, and was often heralded, even by Hillary herself. One of Hillary’s self described heroes, Margaret Sanger (A Democrat) who founded Planned Parenthood said this “Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race” and “We should hire three or four colored ministers….We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate that Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea…”. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican, as it was the party leading the charge for civil rights. It wasn’t until Lyndon Johnson (A Democrat), that the switch in voting began. He greatly expanded welfare programs for African Americans, and that’s when the vote started switching. Why did he do it? Well, look at what he told two Governors about what he was doing “I’ll have them n*****rs voting Democratic for the next two hundred years”.

      I encourage you to do some reading on these people and the history of civil rights.

    19. Um…the Civil Rights Act of 1964 – only 63% of democrats voted for it while 80% of republicans did. You were saying???

    20. Travis Spada says:

      over 81% voted for civil rights act of 64 whereas democrats were is the 60s. The bill would have never passed without them you chooch. Keep voting democrat with their plantation politics. Come around ever 4 years for the black vote and disappear. you need to read your history. MLK was a republican

    21. Anonymous says:

      Really? Republicans are the reason the voting rights act of 1964 passed. Without Republican votes that landmark legislation would not be. Maybe you should study some history you might be able to learn something.

    22. Rock Bottum says:

      Except push and pass Civil Rights Act. Eliminate Jim Crow and push for pasding affirmative action u uniformed moronic racist tool!!!!

    23. Anonymous says:

      You misspelled democrats did nothing to help anyone but themselves

    24. Mik Yelow says:

      The Democrats sure have. They have given them everything for nothing, All they want are entitlements. Free Free Free

    25. Anonymous says:

      Someone doesn’t remember history. Seems like the emancipation proclamation, 13th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, the 15th Amendment, Second Enforcement Act of 1871, the Civil Rights Act of 1957, the Civil Rights Act of 1960 all aimed at ending racism and hatred by the Democratic Party might have been something more than a footnote in history. And then the Republicans passed the 19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote.

      Today, the Democratic Party cloaks itself with self-righteousness in an attempt to look like they are a leopard changing its spots, but when your icons worship former KKK members, passing legislation which imprisoned more African-Americans than any other legislation in American history, and then referred to them as super-predictors.

    26. Oh? Then please tell us just what the DEMOCRATS have done for them, especially AFTER they got their vote. Their actually WORSE off as a result of 7+ years of the first Black Democrat President

    27. Matt Proulx says:

      Are you saying they should have just let the democrats keep slaves?

    28. Anonymous says:

      Help yourself

    29. Diane says:

      Stop depending on people to help you….help yourself then you have no one but yourself to blame

    30. Steve Pow says:

      the republicans passed EVERY SINGLE piece of legislation helping blacks…from full rights…to desegregating schools..the demoncrats are fucking USERS and will LIE to the black man because most are (reality) too dumb to know history

    31. Anonymous says:

      And the DNC has? Give me a break! They have been choking the life out of the very people they claim they’re trying to help. They are the architects of all of the crap that we’re going through right now. Have you been paying attention to the last 8 years? if you don’t see that long history if their deceit, failures, dishonesty and corruption…then I almost feel sorry for you. The Democrats have consistently gotten their way on the 2nd amendment, passing completely pointless and idiotic legislation with zero accountability and zero resistance. If you’re not pissed about that, you should be! They think that you and I shouldn’t have guns but they’re perfectly o.k. with handing them directly to the Mexican drug cartels. Now moving back to your comment, there is not one single thing the Dems have done in the last 8 years that have improved race relations one damn bit. You want evidence of this, I have three words for you “Black Lives Matter”. Yes, I’m referring to that group of terrorist agitators who want nothing more than to drive a wedge between white and black people and for what? Oh…Now I remember, their mad at the police for (heaven forbid) DOING THEIR JOBS!

      1. Letisha says:

        George Soros is the puppetmaster controlling all of these libs and they’re too ignorant to see it. It’s like a game to him, he could care less about all of the minority “causes” he supports. He came from rich Jewish parents who hated Jews. He helped the Nazis. His goal is to devalue the American dollar so that he can make billions off of the destruction of America. He is the devil on earth.

    32. Faye Little says:

      Sometimes you must help yourself. You must figure what is best for you and go out and persue your wants, needs and happiness.
      Can’t wait for people to hand everything to you .Take some pride go out and make your life what you want it to be.

    33. really cause where are the slaves who need help???? just because you are black doesnt mean you are a slave idiot! there are no slaves!

    34. You should use your first name too. Clearly it’s “Alcoholics”

    35. Is the first part of your screen name “Alcoholic?” Because these can’t be sober thoughts!

  3. Anonymous says:

    We can’t help you if we don’t know who you are

  4. MM says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHA. In a nutchell.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The right answer would be since white people were marrying their sisters and cousins and having babies that turn out like you. that is what republicans did and still do.

    1. And your people we still packing mud on their huts.

    2. Anonymous says:

      All while blacks were selling their own people to the english slave traders.

    3. Anonymous says:

      The right answer would be to get rid of the black people

      1. Anonymous says:

        Most ignorant comment yet. People like you are the problem with the world. Grow up

    4. Anonymous says:

      Yep. Thats me. Damn, how did you ever figure that out? I thought i could hide it on the farm,….wait…i dont live on a farm, i live between milwaukee and chicago. Come here and it will give you a couple great reasons to not be a democrat

    5. Steve Pow says:

      spoken like a truly ignorant racist black….but I do not hold you responsible…you were cheated..I BET YOUR BETTER HALF RAN DOWN THE CRACK OF YOUR MOMMAS ASS AND BECAME A STAIN ON THE MATRESS

  6. Anonymous says:

    That is just an ignorant comment he made as those ” democrats ” were today’s republicans. I guess that is why he always gets bit roles in Adam Sandler movies.

    1. Post a list of the movies you were in, no it’s OK I’ll wait.

      1. Anonymous says:

        Sandy Wexler (post-production)
        2016 Norm of the North
        Norm (voice)
        2016 Hitting the Breaks (TV Series)
        Rupert Kalkbrenner
        – Roy Orbison … Rupert Kalkbrenner
        2015 The Ridiculous 6
        2015 Real Rob (TV Series)
        – “What’s My Thing?” (2015) … Rob
        – The Penis Episode Part 2 (2015) … Rob
        – Opening Night (2015) … Rob
        – Gaying in Shape (2015) … Rob
        – Cleaning House (2015) … Rob
        Show all 8 episodes
        2015 Pups United
        Benny (voice)
        2015 OMG, I’m a Robot!
        Robo Joseph
        2015 Back to the Jurassic
        Dodger (voice)
        2014 Minutes with Max Amini (TV Series) (2014)
        2014 Shelby
        Shelby (voice)
        2014 Wings: Sky Force Heroes
        Fred (voice)
        2014 Hot in Cleveland (TV Series)
        – Murder House (2014) … Chill
        2014 Jungle Shuffle
        Chuy / Great Monkey / Dr. Loco / … (voice)
        2013 Frog Kingdom
        Additional Voices (voice)
        2013 Inside Amy Schumer (TV Series)
        – Meth Lab (2013) … Rich
        2013 InAPPropriate Comedy
        J.D. / Psychologist
        2013 The Little Penguin Pororo’s Racing Adventure
        Toto (English version, voice)
        2012 Dino Time
        Dodger (voice)
        2012 The Reef 2: High Tide
        Bart / Bud / Doom / … (voice)
        2012 The Adventures of Panda Warrior
        Patrick Panda / Jimmy Ginseng (voice)
        2012 Wings
        Dodo (English version, voice)
        2012 Betty White’s Off Their Rockers (TV Series)
        – Episode #1.12 (2012)
        – Episode #1.9 (2012)
        – Episode #1.7 (2012)
        2012 Rob (TV Series)
        – Dad Comes to Visit (2012) … Rob
        – Romantic Weekend (2012) … Rob
        – The Baby Bug (2012) … Rob
        – Rob Learns Spanish (2012) … Rob
        – Family Secrets (2012) … Rob
        Show all 8 episodes
        2012 Outback
        Johnny (voice)
        2012/III Noah
        Zed (voice)
        2011 Top Cat: The Movie
        Lou Strickland (English version, voice)
        2011 You May Not Kiss the Bride
        2010 Elf Sparkle and the Special Red Dress (TV Movie)
        Elf Figgy Puddin (voice)
        2010 The Chosen One
        2010 Grown Ups
        Rob Hilliard
        2009 American Virgin
        Ed Curtzman
        2009 Wild Cherry
        Nathan McNicol
        2008 Bedtime Stories
        Chief Running Mouth / Pickpocket
        2008 You Don’t Mess with the Zohan
        2008 American Crude
        2007 Big Stan
        Big Stan
        2007 The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (TV Series)
        Lindsay Lohan
        – Episode #15.135 (2007) … Lindsay Lohan
        2007 I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry
        Asian Minister (uncredited)
        2007 Legend of the Sea (Video) (voice)
        2007 Juliana and the Medicine Fish (Short)
        2006 Littleman
        Dinosaur Rex (uncredited)
        2006 Shark Bait
        Pelican / Indian Crab / Bart / … (voice)
        2006 Click
        Prince Habeeboo (uncredited)
        2006 The Benchwarmers
        2006 Grandma’s Boy
        2005 Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo
        Deuce Bigalow
        2005 Back to Norm (TV Movie)
        2005 The Longest Yard
        2004 Around the World in 80 Days
        San Francisco Hobo
        2004 50 First Dates
        2004 Reel Comedy (TV Series)
        – 50 First Dates (2004) … Ula
        2003 The Electric Piper (TV Movie)
        Rinky-Dink-Dink (voice)
        2002 The Hot Chick
        2002 Eight Crazy Nights
        Chinese Waiter / Narrator (voice)
        2002 Mr. Deeds
        Nazo, the Italian Delivery Man (uncredited)
        2001 The Mummy Parody (TV Short)
        2001 The Animal
        2000 Little Nicky
        The Townie
        1999 Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo
        Deuce Bigalow
        1999 Muppets from Space
        TV Producer
        1999 Big Daddy
        Delivery Guy
        1998 Ally McBeal (TV Series)
        Ross Fitzsimmons
        – Happy Trails (1998) … Ross Fitzsimmons
        1998 The Waterboy
        1998 Susan’s Plan
        1998 Knock Off
        Tommy Hendricks
        1996-1997 Men Behaving Badly (TV Series)
        Jamie Coleman
        – Gift of Jami (1997) … Jamie Coleman
        – Special Delivery (1997) … Jamie Coleman
        – Spoils of War (1997) … Jamie Coleman
        – The Sting (1997) … Jamie Coleman
        – Got Milk? (1997) … Jamie Coleman
        Show all 35 episodes
        1997 Sammy the Screenplay (Video short)
        The Agent
        1997 A Fork in the Tale (Video Game)
        Delivery Guy
        1996 The Adventures of Pinocchio (Video Game)
        1996 The Adventures of Pinocchio
        1996 Seinfeld (TV Series)
        – The Friars Club (1996) … Bob
        1996 Down Periscope
        Marty Pascal
        1995 Judge Dredd
        1990-1994 Saturday Night Live (TV Series)
        Various / Richard Laymer / Customer / …
        – Heather Locklear/Janet Jackson (1994) … Michael Mancini / Caller / Orgasm Guy / …
        – John Goodman/The Pretenders (1994) … Various
        – Emilio Estevez/Pearl Jam (1994) … Various
        – Kelsey Grammer/Dwight Yoakam (1994) … Various
        – Helen Hunt/Snoop Doggy Dogg (1994) … Various / K.D. lang
        Show all 80 episodes
        1993 The Beverly Hillbillies
        Woodrow Tyler
        1993 Demolition Man
        Erwin (uncredited)
        1993 Surf Ninjas
        1992 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
        1991 Necessary Roughness
        Chuck Neiderman
        1990-1991 Coach (TV Series)
        Leonard Kraleman
        – Leonard Kraleman: All-American (1991) … Leonard Kraleman
        – Professor Doolittle (1990) … Leonard Kraleman
        1989 Martians Go Home
        Voyeur Martian
        1989 227 (TV Series)

  7. Chap says:

    “Black people have been voting Democrat their whole lives and they’re still poor.” – Charles Barkley

    1. tom davis says:

      LBJ “we’ll have those n****** voting democrat for the next 200 years”

  8. I don’t know anyone who is mad that Clinton lost. Mad that Clinton was the candidate, maybe. There are lots of people who are anti-racist, anti-misogyny, and anti-xenophobia. I’m glad they have spoken up. I just hope they don’t protest and then go home and hope that someone else will do something about it.

  9. The African kings who traded and sold Africans to the Europeans were wrong.But the Europeans could have said no,I will not have another human being as property.So both cultures were wrong.

    1. Anonymous says:

      Every nationality including caucasians have been enslaved at some point. There was a point in time in history that if you were poor you were a slave to the rich. Africans have not been the only slaves ever. Looking back into history how do you think the pyramids were built ? Look at the Native Americans. Europeans practically killed off that entire race and we never hear about them and their rights.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I thought Rob died years ago in a tragic autoerotic asphyxiation episode when his Bollywood movie career didn’t pan out… Rob, the Tweetster … Making the Tweets…

    1. Anonymous says:

      The Tweet Mister !! Making tweets…

  11. Wayne says:

    Can you say Senator Byrd? KKK LEADER ! Oh, yeah…demorat

  12. Anonymous says:

    I haven’t seen Rob make a good movie since………when did you make a good movie?

    1. He has never made a good movie!

  13. Cindi loo says:

    Seriously, everyone is entitled their opinion. Read them have a chuckle or a cursing fit….then move on. Character assasination is not ok just because you don’t agree with them.

    1. Anonymous says:

      Cindi loo what are you wearing

    2. When one is a public figure and espouses their opinions in a public manner, they open themselves to public scrutiny. Schneider is an a$$hat and always has been.

  14. Anonymous says:

    LOL.. what a joke. Dude learn your history. It was the newly formed republican party of abolitionist that worked in freeing slaves, giving them citizenship, voting rights ect. Not democrats..

  15. Eric R. Lenz says:

    yep, no rich black people……, nba, mlb,hollywood, politicians , oprah, countless entertainers, ceos, ……….

  16. Anonymous says:

    Just shows how much the prejudice has swayed since then. Also Dems aren’t necessarily upset about losing as they are about having a frightful bunch of prejudiced, uncaring rights taking people in control of our country and it’s laws.

    1. Anonymous says:


    2. Anonymous says:

      Another amen!

  17. Anonymous says:

    Who was Rob Schneider?

  18. E. Normus Johnson says:

    Brevity is the soul of wit.

  19. Before reconstruction too says:

    Remember. That was before reconstruction. Deems of today were Republicans of that time.

  20. Let’s call today’s “progressives” what they really are — fascists.

  21. Della C. says:

    Who is “we” and who are “they”? That brief tweet said a lot about “YOU”!

    1. Anonymous says:

      Well said.

    2. Anonymous says:

      Uhhh… What?

      “I haven’t seen the Democrats this mad since we freed the slaves!”

      “we” = democrats

      There is no “they”.

      we have way too many of you “I only see what I want to see” people. You do nothing but create problems, where there aren’t any.

      Your brief comment said a lot about “YOU”, as well.

      Reading comprehension; It’s a thing. You should probably work on it.

  22. dave says:

    “Freed” the slaves. Really? Yeah, freed them to live miserably as an underclass for 150 years.Get your head out of your, well hole.

    1. dave says:

      PS: He appears no smarter than his onscreen characters.

  23. Anonymous says:

    the republican party that freed the slaves was infinitely better than the crap of republicans we have today, and the orange guy is filling his cabinet who want to segregate minorities. wise up

  24. Anonymous says:

    The southern strategy! Read about it!

  25. Anoymous says:

    Most of the poor in this country are black and lazy. Yes, there are some white people but it is mostly blacks who would rather sit around and collect a check than be productive citizens and get a job. Also, they may want to stick around and father their kids so they don’t grow up to be thugs where they rinse and repeat!

  26. Rosalind Kinlow says:

    Another indication of our failing educational system. Along with many ignorant comments here. You could probably even google the histories of our political parties and their evolving idiocracies. Pay close attention to the movements of certain groups from one party to the other during the Civil Rights Era. You don’t even have to go back to middle or high school and God forbid, pay attention.

    1. Anonymous says:

      Well said. One of the few comments in this conversation that isn’t offensive and actually contributes something worthwhile.

  27. Democrats are so obsessed with symbols and symbolism that they will NEVER appeal to the middle class of the country again. Note to democrats: This is how the huge middle class of this nation views your self-righteous “inclusionary” obsession – “They include gays, minorities, illegals, Syrian refugees, the sexually reassigned. And as they should, they include all these groups. They worry over everyone EXCEPT ME.”

  28. Robert X. Martin says:

    Rob Schneider, thanks for taking the time to tweet the Democrats while you are waiting for Adam Sandler to cast you in another movie.

    1. Anonymous says:

      ????? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

  29. Anniegetyourgun says:

    LMAO who gives a fuck. Anyone can say as they please.

  30. Anonymous says:

    This entire conversation is completely repugnant. Shameful and embarrassing.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Lots of history rewriting going on here.

  32. From the comments that i have read. I will say that history repeats itself.
    Can you say reconstruction. Which is another way of saying. The law will change. Both parties are full of hypocrits and workers of iniquity.

  33. Jonadenz says:

    As if…

  34. Anonymous says:

    Poor Rob Schneiddr.. trying way too hard to stay relevant. Way too hard, I say.

    1. B says:

      How is he trying hard? It’s an interesting fact in history that Democrats were opposed to the 13th amendment, which abolished slavery.

  35. Anonymous says:

    He’s a comedian in case you forgot…

  36. A Mendes says:

    Incidentally, that was also the last time I saw Rob Schneider on my TV.

  37. elevin says:

    Interesting point Rob, makes you think.

    Also, if you’re tired of all the racist comments, shop at elevin 🙂

  38. Taz Devil says:

    They were pretty fired up during Watergate, and they would probably try to argue that they were actually the party that freed the slaves, but you would still be correct, Rob.

  39. Patti says:

    Oh, see you make a comment like this and it touches a nerve with the Dems! What you say is absolutely true, Rob!! I’m glad to see that there are a few celebrities with brains!!

  40. ntrs says:

    You lefties that believe the myth of the party switch really need to read up. The Democratic Party has always been about racial division (and still is)

  41. Thomas Moore says:

    Nice to see a non-Liberal stand up comic with a good sense of humor. Note that I’m not willing to say he’s in the GOP, because I don’t know for sure. For all you Liberals with your noses out of joint – how about posting with a ‘name,’ any name – I don’t care. It’s hard to keep track otherwise. Trump supporters posting as ‘anonymous,’ — DOUBLE DITTO!

  42. Joe says:

    bunch of dumb asses on here

  43. Brian Weber says:

    Wait…you’re still Adam Sandler’s slave , right??

  44. In the Civil War weren’t The Yankee’s from the North the Democrats and the Rebels from the South the Republicans? The North fought to Free Slaves from the South am I mistaken?

  45. Anonymous says:

    “Conservative?” Eh… that’s okay. You keep him.

  46. Wendy says:

    Why are we still going back to the past? This is the problem people! This isn’t the 1700’s, it’s 20fucking16! You are entitled to your opinion and they to theirs. Divide and conquer is right….. you are allowing them ALL to win. Get over yourselves and accept that not everyone is going to agree with you and that is fine. It’s what makes us individuals…..

  47. ‘@RobSchneider NO modern republican would’ve supported the end of slavery. That was done by LIBERALS, you has-been. BTW your ‘comedy’ sucks.’ This idiot is getting his ass handed to him on his twitter page. What an ass-clown.

  48. Anonymous says:

    Go to the bathroom in your pants and enjoy the smell.

  49. Paul says:

    Dear Everyone:
    Why is everyone debating and discussing and focused on the past? Let it go for goodness sake. Seems to me we have serious issues in the here and now that deserve discussion.

  50. Nice try Schneider – (pick up a history book lately??? Who sold out the Blacks in 1876 – ending their only protection from lynchings, the fate of share-cropping – removal of voting rights and their participation in politics in exchange for the presidency – (which began the long slide of the Republican Party becoming the party of reactionary status quo, oppression of workers and racism (with the exception of Teddy Roosevelt) —– until the party most in line with and furthering of human and worker rights and protections became the Democratic Party — so much so that the South (i.e. especially white, racist South) switched their allegiance to the Republican Party) ???? Republican Ruther B. Hayes – that’s who — But he knew that — which means Schneider is not misinformed – just a liar and an asshole.

  51. Anonymous says:

    To the person posting as Anon,, you are dead wrong on many levels… Oh and “you’re” not Annon…

  52. Todd says:

    Rob who? The has been actor? Why do we care what he says about things? get back to making your crappy movies and leave talking about adult things to the grown-ups.

    1. Sandy says:

      Why do we care what you say? Get back to your angry, hate spewing life.

      1. LOL says the person full of anger and hate.

      2. Rico says:

        Truth kinda hurts, huh?

      3. Anonymous says:

        Looks who is talking….lol

      4. Jerry L Emery says:

        Sounds like you spew a healthy amount of hate as well. Intolerant much there?

      5. B Carter says:

        Sandy you are awesome! Todd has a turd-a-tude. Pfft

      6. Anonymous says:

        Every hateful comment is from a LIBERAL- (BOO HOO!) What a bunch of babies Democrats and liberals are.

      7. Pat Creed says:

        The angry replies to his Tweet seem to illustrate his point. Some people need to work on their tolerance & sense of humor.

      8. pastabelly says:

        It’s a joke. There was absolutely no hate in it.

      9. Raul says:

        Hate spewing appears to be a DemoBRATic exclusive!!!
        I mean, when you have to PAY PEOPLE TO PROTEST because your political party is SO CORRUPT that you can not find any or enough BELIEVERS OF THE DEMOBRATIC PARTY TO PROTEST WITH that you have to PAY PEOPLE TO PROTEST!!!

        Take a LESSON from the DemoBRAT’S just a few years ago…


        Now go back to your bottles and your teething rings!

        We of the Libertarianism are GRATEFUL to the DemoBRATic party for putting for the combination of



        CNN cuts satellite feed as soon as WikiLeaks is mentioned by Congressman Collins

        CNN Cuts Off Congressman When WikiLeaks Mentioned

        Compilation of CNN & MSNBC Cutting Guests Mics to Protect Hillary Clinton


      10. Anonymous says:

        Your the one spewing hate

    2. Anonymous says:

      Typical low brow democratic response. Why don”t you go break some car windows or loot a few stores and maybe… get a job – or more important – a life!!!

      1. Deis says:

        Correction… they are the democrat party, not the democratic party. They represent nothing democratic.

      2. Anonymous says:

        Did you stay up all night , thinking of that lame response ? Wow you people are really the fools that the pussy grabber in chief ,said you were!!

      3. ken wilson says:

        hmmm…no way…they may sweat if a game stick is not involved..liberals…a drag on america!..

      4. Anonymous says:

        Every where you go you see every nationality working so that comment in itself is racist. Be Real. Stop it with the get a job comment! Typical low brow racist response. Now add something about monkeys, watermelon and chicken to keep up with the same old responses you were told to say. Or,
        why don’t you come up with something original and true? Racists are robots! You don’t even have your own mind. Now share that!

    3. Anonymous says:

      You sir are idiot read a history book.

      1. Sher says:

        The Republican, Abe Lincoln, freed the slaves which angered the Democrats.

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      2. HistoryBuff says:

        It seems history has failed you–or you failed history. It’s one of the two. There was a rather historic vote to amend the Constitution in January of 1865. Republicans were responsible for bringing the amendment forward and for passing it through the Senate and the House It was opposed by the vast majority of House democrats. Of course, all these facts can be confirmed if you do a tiny bit of research before you assert what is, or is not, in a history book.

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      3. Lol do you understand rob is not a democrat?

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      4. Anonymous says:

        I think y’all are forgetting that the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have done a little switcharoo since then. The Republicans from the days when the slaves were freed would be considered modern day Democrats and visa versa

      5. Mary Kennard says:

        Of course, if you really understand history, you know that the parties have switched. Progressive freed the slaves. Conservatives were angry. Maybe it’s easier to understand that way. Lincoln would not be a Republican today.

      6. I could care less about politics says:

        Proper English would be… You’re an idiot. Why don’t you read a history book?! I’m here to help you. Also, I’m just bored.

      7. Ally says:

        Mary Kennard,and “Anonymous”……you nailed it!!! Truth right there,thank you?

      8. To Mary and other keep telling yourselves that, if it makes you feel any better. Which it clearly does. Twice in our history, we’ve locked people up solely because of their ethnicity, in violation of SO MANY facets of the constitution. Both times it was done by PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS. So please explain when exactly this switch took place? when the civil rights act of 64 came up for a vote, it was 18 DEMOCRATS with one sole republican who launched a filibuster against it. Those filibustering against it included Al Gore Sr and Robert Byrd, former high ranking Klasnman. So…explain WHY you think this switch happened, other than the fact it justifies your emotional support of a party that’s relegated a large percentage of an entire ethnicity into poverty and government dependency so they’ll be a guaranteed voting block for their party?

    4. Anonymous says:

      people always say that when someone like Rob says something they don’t like.

    5. Rob says:

      Yeah? And who the fuck are you?! ^^

    6. Shawna says:

      We care about this because he makes a totally valid point.

    7. common_sense_isnt says:

      awwwww….is little toddy mad that he might lose his binky because the real world won’t put up with his temper tantrums????? O.o

    8. RS says:

      All d-baggery aside, please tell me you deliberately used “grown ups” for the movie reference.

    9. Jane Doe says:

      Hahah likewise he can look at you and easily flick you away. His “crappy” movies make him enough money to make him more relevant than any of us. And I am sure he makes enough to put you in a kinder care to enjoy your “adult” things lmao.

    10. Turd Ferguson says:

      He was in Grown-Ups

    11. Anonymous says:


    12. Anonymous says:

      Todd, he made a good joke and you took it too a personal attack. Typical uneducated democrat behavior.

    13. Will says:

      Doesn’t sound like an adult comment to make

      1. Anonymous says:

        Its funny. Hes a comedian.

    14. Anonymous says:

      How does the success of someone’s acting career determine their intelligence? How does anyone’s career for that matter, determine the validity of their opinions?

      1. Pork bacon says:

        He is best known for his roll as a carrot on southpark.

    15. Anonymous says:

      See? This is what is wrong with the Dems. “Why do we care what he thinks?” You dont care what people who don’t agree with you think. Hence, President-Elect Trump.

      1. Ronald says:

        we care about your opinions. we need to know and understand them in order to demonstrate that they are ilformed and ignorant.

      2. Aside from this, if you’re looking to contact a locksmith,
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    16. Why are you putting down Rob Schneider? He’s been a more successful actor than you have been. The truth hurts, doesn’t it? Because you are bitter, you have to insult the messenger instead of deal with the truth. You are a typical sorry Democrat.

      1. Larry says:

        I was not at all happy with either choice for President. And I don’t blindly follow any party line. Anyway while people are calling Trump a racist, let’s not forget Hillary Clinton had said her mentor was the late Sen. Robert Byrd of WV, who once lead his own chapter of the KKK.

      2. Anonymous says:

        Right on Lawrence!

    17. Lorraine Littlefield says:

      You’re an idiot Rob. The parties switched from back in the day. You should go read a history book. The republicans are the, not the democrats. Why in the hell do you think the kkk is planning a Trump victory celebration next month in North Carolina. What an.ignorant twat you are.

      1. Anonymous says:

        Talk about ignorant twats

      2. sheep vote Democrat says:

        Do you understand that the Democrats wanted to keep segregation in the ’60s? The only switcharoo is that they lie better now. Remember, Hillary had a public opinion (what you wanted to hear ) and a private opinion (what she actually believes ) on matters. You voted for her anyway. Does that make the Democrats the ones who will believe anything?

      3. Anonymous says:

        Lol Lorraine Littlefield, it’s not only the KKK planning a celebration in honor of our president Donald Trump, the WHOLE country is!! I’m gonna celebrate for the next 8 years!!!

      4. The Dude says:

        Then why was Killary seen (picture) sucking face with Klan members? Why was Killary the one calling black people “Super Predators” and that they need to be kept at the Heel? Hmmmm?

      5. Marius Johnson says:

        What history? You are talking out of your ass, assuming no one knows any better. Nobody’s switched ideology. The dems just pander to whatever gets the most votes, and now it’s non whites. If they still thought being racist towards us would win elections, they’d still be, but now they just put down whites instead. Same parties same principles. Try thinking a little more outside the box, because right now you’re helping noone. My old block is as bad as ever-you wouldn’t know though, would you?

      6. Rob says:

        Oh so Jim Crow wasn’t a Democrat idea? They sure took responsibility for it. Perhaps read a history book. Flipping back and forth is a Democrat notion to garner more votes.

      7. Ronald says:

        The racists left the democratic party after the civil rights act of 1964 and joined the republican party which had been irrelevant since driving the country into the depression with their failed economic policies, trickle down economics.

      8. Ronald S Porter says:

        Oh hell no. The democrats launched their attack on Black people in 1753 and haven’t let up since. They defended slavery, created and defended Jim Crow, fought to the end to stop the civil rights legislation of the 1960’s. As a Black man who has lived through the 1950’s, 60’s, 70’s 80’s, 90’s and the years of the 21st century; I KNOW the history and I know my enemy. Democrats mean racism toward and active war on, all Black Americans. And all these little young white liberals, speaking loud without knowledge, are their deluded pawns.

    18. Because thats comedic truth. Crack a book dude. Democrats have been on the wrong side of history from the get go.

    19. Anonymous says:

      Yeah, you has been!
      Leave the adult talk to the grown ups!
      Like… um… Miley Cyrus!

    20. Anonymous says:

      fuck you dumb ass

    21. Hey Todd, Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., was a die hard Republican, as well as his father before him, his children, and his niece, Dr. Alveda King. So yes, they, unlike liberals believed in, All Lives Matter. Quote: “From the womb to the tomb”. Silly, silly uneducated liberals.

    22. Anonymous says:

      Aww don’t be butt hurt. I guess it’s kinda hard not to with your head up there though.

    23. Travis says:

      You’re kind of an ass hole. Has anyone ever told you that?

    24. Titus says:

      Just a few words out of your mouth and I can already tell he’s got more class than you. That’s a cold fact. You should never talk like that about anybody, famous or not. It just makes you a loser.

    25. The Dude says:

      Sting a little?

    26. Anonymous says:

      “Grown ups” Good one. lol

    27. Anonymous says:

      Seems you care a lot

    28. swcoop says:

      Exactly! And why do we care what Barbra Streisand, Sean Penn, Bruce Springsteen, etc. says about things? Oh wait, you agree with them, so their voice should be heard.

    29. Anonymous says:

      Every hateful comment is from a LIBERAL- (BOO HOO!) What a bunch of babies Democrats and liberals are.

      1. Anonymous says:

        I see a lot of hurtful comment directed towards liberals and democrats coming from whom? Umhmm! Donald doesn’t care about us but we are on social media arguing and defending him. America is a hot mess! We are the most divided country and for what? We all need to stop the back and forth and learn to accept what we cannot change! We don’t have a choice of the color we were born with. Why can’t we stop acting like its a choice and realize we just need to move on and live as Americans!

    30. Anonymous says:

      Why do we care what yous say

    31. M says:

      Todd who??

    32. Anonymous says:

      you obviously care about what he says cause you clicked on the article 🙂

    33. Maro says:

      You’re a hypocritical bigot.

    34. Anonymous says:

      I’m sure his “crappy” movies have left him a hell of a lot richer than you….Just a thought

    35. mangeno00 says:

      History and insults aside… The Dems are crying! BTW I’m an Independent not a Rep!

    36. Anonymous says:

      ooh another cry baby democrat bitch here

    37. JD says:

      At least Rob Schneider is a “has been” and not a “never was” like this idiot who has decided to troll him for expressing a joke. It’s a joke not a dick, don’t take it so hard

    38. Dave says:

      Apparently he touched a nerve with you, haha

    39. Michael says:

      Oh, you mean the comedian who made you laugh til you got butt hurt about the election. Fuck you, moron!

    40. Alan Poort says:

      Said the NEVER HAS BEEN.

    41. Anonymous says:

      do you mean, crying about adult things? 🙂

    42. So you do know some Republicans and Conservatives. Maybe you should get your brethren who believe in disrespecting the process, because their expectations was not the reality, to listen to some of the Grown ups and work together to improve our country.

    43. Diablo Ramierez? says:

      Todd who?

    44. Jay Sanders says:

      Aww, what’s the matter, Todd, need a crying session like all of those other liberal ninny twats? Truth hurts, doesn’t it?!

    45. Anonymous says:

      But it was funny and not far from the truth!

  53. Anonymous says:

    Rounding up people for internment camps? Has trump studied Democrats? (Truman)

    1. Anonymous says:

      Truman it was Obama who built the femma camps you should really keep up with your own party news. It was the DEMS rounding up people. Kinda hard for Trump to to it he he has not taken the mantal of power.

    2. Walter L Gooch says:

      Truman was VP. FDR is the one you mean.

  54. Anonymous says:

    Fuck Democrats and Republicans as well as Libertarians. I wish the human race would just go extinct already. All of you idiots bitching and crying over the elections, causing riots and arguments over what? A businessman that is a bully, and corrupt official that would sell our weapons and secrets to line her own pocket? This nation has become spoiled. Everyone abuses our system for their own benefits. Its kinda sad to think what would come in the future, Civil Wars, Race Wars. Its just a matter of time till we start fighting ourselves in our great nation, and you fuck heads will be the cause of it.

    1. Black trump supporter says:


    2. Glamslinky says:


    3. Anonymous says:

      He is not a bully…it is media that pushes that image….he is a smart business man, that really want to get us back on our feet. Like you have never said a dirty word, or lashed out in a wrong way when you were being attacked. Get real!

  55. Lara Lohne says:

    It was the Democratic party that abolished slavery, the Republican party was against it.

    1. Anonymous says:

      You have been indoctrinated. The GOP or “Grand Old Party,” aka the Republican Party, is the party of Abraham Lincoln, and the party that championed the abolition movement. That’s the movement that sought to abolish slavery. I want to make sure I spell everything out for you since you must have gotten a bad textbook and/or a shitty history teacher.

    2. Anonymous says:


    3. RealtyTruth says:

      Yes, and the Republicans have been doing everything they can to bring slavery back ever since while the Democrats have been fighting them!!

      1. You are and dumb ass, fucking idiot racist, bigot piece of shit to even say something like that, Democrats are the ones that have done everything in there power to not let the black man succeed in life, time you learn some history dipshit

    4. Anonymous says:

      You really need to read a history book. You remember Lincoln. He was the 16th President of the US. He did not win by a popular vote but he did win the electoral vote. He was a Republican and he abolished slavery at right about the time of the Civil Was. You know, the war where the North and the South fought each other? You can actually google it.

    5. common_sense_isnt says:

      how damned stupid ARE you democrat???? oh…sorry. you just showed us. O.o

    6. Tammy Broten says:

      Actually Lincoln was a Republican and most slaveholders were actually Southern Democrats. Here’s a Wikipedia list of politicians that were actually KKK members most were Democrat, a few Republican.
      Racism is hatred, hatred knows no party, nor skin color. Do not think your party is superior because it is not. David Duke founder of the KKK actually tried to run under both parties.

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    7. Tammy Broten says:

      A little more information for you…
      he following are a few basic historical facts that every American should know.

      Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress.

      Why is this indisputable fact so rarely mentioned? PBS documentaries about slavery and the Civil War barely mention it, for example. One can certainly argue that the parties have changed in 150 years (more about that below), but that does not change the historical fact that it was the Democrats who supported slavery and the Republicans who opposed it. And that indisputable fact should not be airbrushed out for fear that it will tarnish the modern Democratic Party.

      Had the positions of the parties been the opposite, and the Democrats had fought the Republicans to end slavery, the historical party roles would no doubt be repeated incessantly in these documentaries. Funny how that works.

      Fact: During the Civil War era, the “Radical Republicans” were given that name because they wanted to not only end slavery but also to endow the freed slaves with full citizenship, equality, and rights.

      Yes, that was indeed a radical idea at the time!

      Fact: Lincoln’s Vice President, Andrew Johnson, was a strongly pro-Union (but also pro-slavery) Democrat who had been chosen by Lincoln as a compromise running mate to attract Democrats. After Lincoln was assassinated, Johnson thwarted Republican efforts in Congress to recognize the civil rights of the freed slaves, and Southern Democrats continued to thwart any such efforts for close to a century.

      Fact: The 14th Amendment, giving full citizenship to freed slaves, passed in 1868 with 94% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress. The 15th Amendment, giving freed slaves the right to vote, passed in 1870 with 100% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress.

      Regardless of what has happened since then, shouldn’t we be grateful to the Republicans for these Amendments to the Constitution? And shouldn’t we remember which party stood for freedom and which party fiercely opposed it?

      Fact: The Ku Klux Klan was originally and primarily an arm of the Southern Democratic Party. Its mission was to terrorize freed slaves and “ni**er-loving” (their words) Republicans who sympathized with them.

      Why is this fact conveniently omitted in so many popular histories and depictions of the KKK, including PBS documentaries? Had the KKK been founded by Republicans, that fact would no doubt be repeated constantly on those shows.

      Fact: In the 1950s, President Eisenhower, a Republican, integrated the US military and promoted civil rights for minorities. Eisenhower pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1957. One of Eisenhower’s primary political opponents on civil rights prior to 1957 was none other than Lyndon Johnson, then the Democratic Senate Majority Leader. LBJ had voted the straight segregationist line until he changed his position and supported the 1957 Act.

      Fact: The historic Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats in both houses of Congress. In the House, 80 percent of the Republicans and 63 percent of the Democrats voted in favor. In the Senate, 82 percent of the Republicans and 69 percent of the Democrats voted for it.

      Fact: Contrary to popular misconception, the parties never “switched” on racism. The Democrats just switched from overt racism to a subversive strategy of getting blacks as dependent as possible on government to secure their votes. At the same time, they began a cynical smear campaign to label anyone who opposes their devious strategy as greedy racists.

      Following the epic civil rights struggles of the 1960s, the South began a major demographic shift from Democratic to Republican dominance. Many believe that this shift was motivated by racism. While it is certainly true that many Southern racists abandoned the Democratic Party over its new support for racial equality and integration, the notion that they would flock to the Republican Party — which was a century ahead of the Democrats on those issues — makes no sense whatsoever.

      Yet virtually every liberal, when pressed on the matter, will inevitably claim that the parties “switched,” and most racist Democrats became Republicans! In their minds, this historical ju jitsu maneuver apparently transfers all the past sins of the Democrats (slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, etc.) onto the Republicans and all the past virtues of the Republicans (e.g., ending slavery) onto the Democrats! That’s quite a feat!

      It is true that Barry Goldwater’s opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 probably attracted some racist Democrats to the Republican Party. However, Goldwater was not a racist — at least not an overt racist like so many Southern Democrats of the time, such as George Wallace and Bull Connor. He publicly professed racial equality, and his opposition to the 1964 Act was based on principled grounds of states rights. In any case, his libertarian views were out of step with the mainstream, and he lost the 1964 Presidential election to LBJ in a landslide.

      But Goldwater’s opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act provided liberals an opening to tar the Republican Party as racist, and they have tenaciously repeated that label so often over the years that it is now the conventional wisdom among liberals. But it is really nothing more than an unsubstantiated myth — a convenient political lie. If the Republican Party was any more racist than the Democratic Party even in 1964, why did a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats in both houses of Congress vote for the 1964 Civil Rights Act? The idea that Goldwater’s vote on the 1964 Civil Rights Act trumps a century of history of the Republican Party is ridiculous, to say the least.

      Every political party has its racists, but the notion that Republicans are more racist than Democrats or any other party is based on nothing more than a constant drumbeat of unsubstantiated innuendo and assertions by Leftists, constantly echoed by the liberal media. It is a classic example of a Big Lie that becomes “true” simply by virtue of being repeated so many times.

      A more likely explanation for the long-term shift from Democratic to Republican dominance in the South was the perception, fair or not, that the Democratic Party had rejected traditional Christian religious values and embraced radical secularism. That includes its hardline support for abortion, its rejection of prayer in public schools, its promotion of the gay agenda, and many other issues.

      In the 1960s the Democratic Party changed its strategy for dealing with African Americans. Thanks to earlier Republican initiatives on civil rights, blatant racial oppression was no longer a viable political option. Whereas before that time Southern Democrats had overtly and proudly segregated and terrorized blacks, the national Democratic Party decided instead to be more subtle and get them as dependent on government as possible. As LBJ so elegantly put it (in a famous moment of candor that was recorded for posterity), “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” At the same time, the Democrats started a persistent campaign of lies and innuendo, falsely equating any opposition to their welfare state with racism.

      From a purely cynical political perspective, the Democratic strategy of black dependence has been extremely effective. LBJ knew exactly what he was doing. African Americans routinely vote well over 90 percent Democratic for fear that Republicans will cut their government benefits and welfare programs. And what is the result? Before LBJ’s Great Society welfare programs, the black illegitimacy rate was as low as 23 percent, but now it has more than tripled to 72 percent.

      Most major American city governments have been run by liberal Democrats for decades, and most of those cities have large black sections that are essentially dysfunctional anarchies. Cities like Detroit are overrun by gangs and drug dealers, with burned out homes on every block in some areas. The land values are so low due to crime, blight, and lack of economic opportunity that condemned homes are not even worth rebuilding. Who wants to build a home in an urban war zone? Yet they keep electing liberal Democrats — and blaming “racist” Republicans for their problems!

      Washington DC is another city that has been dominated by liberal Democrats for decades. It spends more per capita on students than almost any other city in the world, yet it has some of the worst academic achievement anywhere and is a drug-infested hellhole. Barack Obama would not dream of sending his own precious daughters to the DC public schools, of course — but he assures us that those schools are good enough for everyone else. In fact, Obama was instrumental in killing a popular and effective school voucher program in DC, effectively killing hopes for many poor black families trapped in those dysfunctional public schools. His allegiance to the teachers unions apparently trumps his concern for poor black families.

      A strong argument could also be made that Democratic support for perpetual affirmative action is racist. It is, after all, the antithesis of Martin Luther King’s dream of a color-blind society. Not only is it “reverse racism,” but it is based on the premise that African Americans are incapable of competing in the free market on a level playing field. In other words, it is based on the notion of white supremacy, albeit “benevolent” white supremacy rather than the openly hostile white supremacy of the pre-1960s Democratic Party.

      The next time someone claims that Republicans are racist and Democrats are not, don’t fall for it.

      1. Bob says:

        Thank you, Tammy. While I disagree with much of what you wrote, I applaud the effort to have an intelligent discussion instead of resorting to insults and swearing. These are the types of conversations we need to be having if we want to keep our country from becoming “Lord of the Flies.”

      2. Amazing. Thank you! Is this your work or is there someone else to credit for this research?

      3. Jim Knowles-Tuell says:

        Well, in general, you have the history right up until the 1960’s, when the passage of the Civil Rights Acts (yes, opposed by many southern Democrats) was passed under the leadership of a Democratic president, Lyndon Johnson. Just because southern Democrats made up a large portion of those who opposed the Civil Rights Act doesn’t change the fact that, after that date, as things in the South changed, it was Republicans that touted racist views, not (non-Southern) Democrats. Then the Republicans, under the “Southern strategy” of Nixon and others, began courting the racists of the South. Strom Thurmond, clearly a racist, changed parties in 1964 to Republican because of civil rights issues, and others followed.
        Jeff Sessions, Republican Senator and possible Trump nominee for Attorney General, has consistently opposed both any new civil rights enactments and even the vigorous enforcement of the civil rights laws already on the books.
        You then demonstrate your own racism (or maybe just ignorance) when you claim that blacks only vote for Democrats to keep their welfare payments – as if the majority of blacks were on welfare or other programs like food stamps. That’s about as racist a statement as you can make, since the majority of American blacks actually work and don’t collect any kind of welfare or food stamps.
        As to affirmative action being “reverse racism,” your argument is based on there actually being a “level playing field,” but studies have consistently shown that racism in the work place is still very alive and well (yes, not as bad as it used to be, but still happening).
        You also spend time highlighting the role of Democrats (in the 1860’s and the 1920’s) in creating the KKK, but you seem to have a pretty blind eye to the fact that the KKK supports Trump, and have tended to be on the Republican side of many issues for the last 40 or 50 years.

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    8. Anonymous says:

      Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress.

    9. Anonymous says:

      dumb ass

    10. Anonymous says:


    11. The democratic party tried to hang on to slavery and Abe Lincoln a Republican was out to stop slavery. Read up on it. The democrats back then were in favor of the South and slavery.

    12. Anonymous says:

      Holy shit you’re stupid.

    13. DJ says:

      @Lara Lohne .. Bzzzzt! You failed history. The DimocRATS FOUGHT Lincoln and his Republican Party when they passed abolition. You obviously are a product of the pubic (spelling intentional) school system. You are a failure at life.

  56. Dan says:

    That’s nuts. The Democratic party formed out of being for slavery. The Republicans were against it. The Democrats started the KKK. And the Democrats also love their heroes like Margaret Sanger who succeeded in what she always wanted to which was open abortion clinics to eliminate black people. Don’t believe any of this????? Look it up.The average is Liberal is ignorant.

    1. mystic says:

      The average Republican, such as yourself, makes up lies like abortion to eliminate black people….LOL…..Yu have lost what little mind you had.

      1. No seriously. Look it up. She was a racist.

      2. Letisha says:

        That’s not a lie, dumb ass…Margaret Sanger started PP so that minorities would have easy access to abortions…cause she hated blacks. Research it yourself.

  57. Anonymous says:

    Sorry Rob. Your application for court jester has been rejected..again 🙁
    Sandler needs somebody to play a douche in his new movie.
    You should so audition 🙂

  58. Ivana B Happy says:

    Oh, dear… HERE is the problem — if people spent LESS time worrying about what some celebrity says or thinks and more time on whatever actual event or issue that celeb was opining about, we just might have a knowledgeable society who could get things done. Not just this guy, but ALL the celebs are still just people… Quit holding them up as an example, whether good or bad.

    1. Glamslinky says:

      There is no problem. There is a reason why they call them celebrities. Celebrity, by definition, means “someone famous or well known”. So anything they do or say, is well, well known. Whether it be their personal life or politics. They chose their bed, now they have to sleep in it.

  59. ev says:

    PEOPLE… The white supremacists and KKK switched parties… They held a public celebration recently… Simple facts… Regardless of your opinion…

    1. Letisha says:

      ISIS supports the Democrat party and contributed $$$ to Hillary’s campaign through the Clinton Foundation…simple facts, regardless of your opinion.

  60. Me says:

    Liberalism is a serious mental disorder.

    1. Letisha says:

      They are the most ignorant people on the planet…they are so easily controlled by the establishment!

  61. Nishi says:

    You dumb Republican retàrds actually think the Republicans of Abe Lincoln are the same as the Republicans of today? You guys are morons. You love trotting out old Abe to deflect the fact that you dumb white trash fat inbred goobers are all racists. Go ahead and feign your indignity at being called a racist. You know deep down you are. Just own it and be proud of it for once.

    1. Letisha says:

      The libtards are the biggest bigots there are, people are sick of their ignorant, dumbass lying bullsh*t. Look at all the hate and violence from the libs, didn’t see any of that from the other side when Obummer won. You’re just proving our point over and over and over again, libs are the most intolerant, violent
      hate group in existance.

  62. Duh says:

    Fact: The KKK Endorsed Trump

    1. Larry says:

      I was not at all happy with either choice for President. And I don’t blindly follow any party line. Anyway while people are calling Trump a racist, let’s not forget Hillary Clinton had said her mentor was the late Sen. Robert Byrd of WV, who once lead his own chapter of the KKK.

    2. jlemery7760 says:

      And a Grand Dragon donated to HRC. What’s your point? Even douchebags support candidates. You supported one, right? There’s my point.

    3. Letisha says:

      Fact: ISIS endorsed Hillary.

  63. Just Statinthetruth says:

    Poor Rob doesn’t know that both parties switched platforms with each other starting in the 60’s with the southern Democrats leading the way. Nice try by a comedian, though. Lol!

    1. DJ says:

      @JustStalin .. Repeating a factual falsehood does not make it a fact. The Parties did not “switch platforms,” dummy! The DimocRATS hate black people just as much as they did when they fought the abolition of slavery and the passage of the Civil Rights Bill (passed with Republican votes in the ’60s). That’s why they still support Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood which was started to help exterminate black people through abortion, and making certain that most black people will always be subservient to their feral government “massa’s” (through EBT and welfare).

  64. J wolf says:

    That doesn’t mean that Trump supports the Klan… It’s heartbreaking to see such ignorance and slander against fellow man… Look at most of you, at each other’s throats when none of us were there. Understand that history is written by the winners, the one’s that hanged the heroes. Lincoln freed the slaves in order to gain votes and tax dollars and nothing more. Times were harsh then and so were the people…All parties are brainwashed and everyone has their blinders on… There are five sides to every story. Side “A”, side “B”, the truth, perspective and finally hindsight… Be wise not a wise ass…

  65. Mark Pippins says:

    I’d say that he’s a has-been, but he never really was, was he?

  66. Anonymous says:

    to “History Buff”:

    The “republican party” that Lincoln was part of was vastly different than the republican party that exists today. The party at the time was far more liberal than it is today.

    So before you start spewing “facts” about how this party or that party did whatever at what time… perhaps you should provide the whole story rather than just the parts that benefit your argument.

    1. jlemery7760 says:

      It was only “liberal” because it represented new ideas, as opposed to the conservative idea at the time that slave ownership was okay. Buy a fucking dictionary and learn something.

  67. A canadian says:

    Obviously the hillary supporters are the lunatics who are anti democracy… Stop rioting till the man gets a hance o run the how .. Americans are fucked up .. Im starting to think a wall is a good idea

  68. jmm1964 says:

    The people that voted for Donald Trump are the result of what happens when your mother and father are brother and sister.

    1. Letisha says:

      You’re a result of what happens when your mother and father are dumb.

  69. Bryan says:

    All these republicants will be denying they voted for him in 4 years when his whole presidency collapses from sheer ignorance…. like his voters truly are

  70. Ted says:

    First of all, calling Rob Schneider a comedian is like calling Donald Trump a politician. When your claim to fame is being the stooge sidekick in every boorish, puerile Adam Sandler movie, the only thing about you that can be considered comedic is your resume. Second of all, when the Republican party was founded in 1856, it was the more liberal of the two parties in America. The Democrats were the conservative ones who wanted slave labor. It wasn’t until the Old Right split in the party at around the turn of the 20th century that small-government conservatism began to be associated with the Republican party. By the presidency of FDR and the New Deal, the ideologies of the two parties had completely flipped. That’s why the red state/blue state color conventions in the US are opposite from that of most of the rest of the world (liberalism is associated with red, conservatism with blue). SO, whatever label you want to apply, it was the liberals who freed the slaves, not the conservatives.

    1. J Robert Lee says:

      Right on!

  71. Anonymous says:

    He’s just parroting a meme that circulated on Breibart! #robmr.originalscneider

  72. Clit Licker says:

    Smoke weed everyday. No matter what puppet the Electoral College puts at the forefront it will not change how this great nation of ours operates. Light a blunt and lick some cunt cause we’re all gonna die one day!

  73. Jame says:

    Nothing hurst a Conservative like a lie, and nothing stings a Liberal like the TRUTH.

    1. Letisha says:

      Amen, Jame

  74. Anonymous says:

    Generation snowflake – you lost, deal with it.

  75. thomasr23842015 says:

    Republicans then are the same values of Republicans now. Democrats are a party of control by force. Democrats started the KKK and wanted slavery to continue. Let’s not twist history to fit the story we want at the time.

  76. Letisha says:

    Democrats are the most intolerant, bigoted hate group on the planet. Look at their violent acts against people who don’t think like they do. #liberalintolerance #liberalhate

  77. K. says:

    The tweet shows a blatant disregard for historical context: the Democratic party used to be the conservative party, whereas the Republican party was the liberal party. The politics of the two parties blurred during the late 1800s (post-Civil War) and “formally” switched during the early 1900s. So really, the conservative corners of America have always been mad when bigotry hasn’t won.

  78. J Robert Lee says:

    I guess this answers my question? Schneider is still alive. Who knew. Did not know did not care about his opinion.. I occasionally see movies he appeared in, in the buy on get one bargain bin. Must be a bitter pill for him to know he is yesterdays news. Like Scott Baio.

  79. CDM says:

    There were 5 political parties in the election of 1860, and the Republicans were brand new.

  80. Anonymous says:

    It’s a bit short sighted/ ironic to cite an action take 153 years ago by one of our greatest presidents as an argument boosting your political parties’ social justice record when the current head of that party is appointing alt-right white nationalists (aka NAZIS) to be in his cabinet and as advisors and whose comments and actions do not reflect a record that promotes social justice. The current Republican party is hardly the party of Lincoln

  81. Anonymous says:

    wow…..who cares….what Rob or anyone say….both candidates are a joke…and btw, Rob said he hasn’t seen the Democrats being this mad since the slaves was freed…..yea, right, like he lived that long…..move on….what done is done…all I see is people being divided by all that angers and taunting from both side…..welcome to Let Make America A joke all over again…..pppppffffftttttt…

  82. Anonymous says:

    He’s probably required to say a certain number of comments like that so Sandler will keep him employed..

  83. Anonymous says:

    Did any of you guys ever pay attention in history class. Know history before you open your pie hole. The republicans of that era do not represent current ones.

  84. Anonymous says:

    Fascism / racism is a cowards tool . Born from fear of losing their dominance , control and exploitation of others, fear of retribution by those who have been dominated controlled and exploited . Fear of competition of others on a fair and level playing field . Fascists / racists have always been afraid , scared and cowardly cheaters ! Rob you are a pussy !

  85. tolawgirl says:

    When a racist with connections to Russia is elected to the highest office in the United States of America, I do not believe it is funny. It is tragic. Zero respect for you as a human being or as an American.

  86. If Rob was actually getting work, he wouldn’t need to cry out for attention like this.

  87. its true the dems do cry alot. they threw a big tantrum.

  88. While this is a historical fact, Republicans nowadays do not support programs that help the African American descendants of said slaves. Democrats would feel they could give more support to a Republican President-Elect if him and his party had more respect for ALL of America’s citizens… not just the white ones.

  89. Anonymous says:

    Holy moly, look at all the comments and attempts at an understanding of political history. Switcharoos, the GOP doesn’t like black people, washed up actors, etc., etc….whatever. The reality is this, its been about 30 years since this country decided that we could no longer have winners and losers, everyone that showed up got a participation trophy. As a result we now have a generation and a half that never learned how to win and be a gracious winner and how to lose with dignity. In every election there is a winner and a loser, there is no participation trophy. Also, our system is based on the Electoral College…if you don’t like it, change it for the NEXT ELECTION. Even the Gore/Lieberman ticket accepted this in 2000 and made their focus on Florida and hanging chads because they knew the electoral votes are what mattered. After all, they won the popular vote too. The election is over, one side won and the other side lost so let’s all put on our big boy/girl pants and move on.

  90. Keely Swan says:

    LOL. Good point, Rob!

    Libtards always forget that the Democrat party was the party of slavery and Jim Crow. It was the Republican party that started the Christian Abolitionist Movement that eventually freed the slaves.

    1. Rob the Deplorable says:

      nice Keely, thanks for explaining 🙂

  91. Lol look at the liberals and democrats on here CRYING, hahaha you’re all pathetic!

  92. Rob the Deplorable says:

    Yo Libs? Check this out. You wouldn’t know the truth if it hit you as a bold face lie…

    That slam did not make any sense, but neither do you.

    Your entire platform is baseless, fabricated, unwarranted and anti-American. You hate this country. You have the right to go live somewhere else. We, the people, will restore this country back to a nation of people who, 1. love their country, 2. obey laws, 3. respect and live the constitution and bill of rights, 4. hold people accountable for their actions, and 5. elect leaders whose job is to protect the same; and not try to sell us up the river, catering to fascism, and Marxism.

    and if you don’t like it, you are very welcome to go cross the open borders you enabled by breaking every law in the book; and we, the people, will lock down the borders behind you; and don’t forget to renounce your citizenship on the way out. And then you will be subject to immigration laws. That simple. Oh! Take the lying media, obama, and hillary with you. bye, bye…

    You have just experienced the full power of the constitution and bill of rights when we cast our vote. We are done with your way of life, the lies, the sickness.

    you are diseased.

  93. Anonymous says:

    The real slogan—Make America Hate Again…and it worked

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