
Flaunting a new slogan modified from the Trump Campaign, “Make America Sick Again” is the latest rallying cry from Democrats determined to save Obamacare. President Obama, who has been spending his final weeks in office emboldened by a scorched-earth mentality, is scheduled to meet with Capital Hill Democrats on Wednesday to strategize saving his name-sake legislation, also known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In the end, the Dems realize the fight is futile because of the Republican majority; but are still pursuing to make an eventual Obamacare repeal as slow and painful as possible for the GOP.

Democratic leaders are encouraging supporters of the unpopular law to bombard Congressional Republicans with phone calls, letters, and emails. The Democrats also plan votes on numerous and cumbersome amendments to the ACA in an effort to stall the repeal process. Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders are spearheading “Day of Action” rallies to save this failing policy. It is unclear why so many Congressional Democrats are willing to commit political suicide to preserve a law that over half of Americans have rated as “Unfavorable”. Obamacare was packaged as a bill of goods that not only failed to deliver, but were outright lies.

The Five Biggest Lies of Obamacare


Millions upon millions of American have had their health insurance cancelled because the plan that fit their needs did not meet the ACA’s rigorous requirements. For example, my 65 year-old post-menopausal aunt was forced to go onto Medicare because her plan did not cover unnecessary contraceptive devices. In 2016, over 700,000 Americans got their plans cancelled a second time as the State Co-ops started to collapse under the weight of Obamacare’s requirements, costing tax-payers billions.


Insurers tried to keep premium costs down by reducing provider networks which resulted in millions of Americans losing their doctors. The Associated Press found that access to specialists on Obamacare was a pitiful 35% and only 4 out of the top 19 Cancer Centers in the country take Obamacare, severely limiting choice and compromising quality.


President Obama promised that a family of four would save an average of $2500 in premium costs. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the opposite has proven true. The average employer-based family policy increased over $3,000. Not only did premiums increase, deductibles are 42% higher on plans today than were available before 2013.


The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, found that a continuation of the policy would increase the federal deficit by 131 billion dollars over the next ten years. This is due to employers cutting the number of hours worked to avoid having to cover insurance for their employees. The reduced number of hours worked equals a loss equivalent to 2.5 million jobs. Lower the hours worked and it lowers the amount of taxes that are paid.


Its millions of health plan cancellations aside, the Congressional Budget Office predicts that 10 years into full implementation, Obamacare will leave over 30 million people uninsured. While it is true that millions of Americans have gained insurance since the law’s passage, this increase was due almost entirely from the unaffordable expansion of Medicaid, not from people buying insurance from the Obamacare exchanges. President Obama and the liberal left never cease to amaze me how throughly out of touch they are with the American people. It makes sense that Obama wants to preserve his legacy; but, it is confusing why Democrats are fighting so hard to stay on a sinking ship. The voting public overwhelmingly wants the problematic law that comprises 1/6th of the US economy, fixed or replaced. Since Obamacare’s inception, the Democrats have lost over 1,000 legislative seats to Republicans and the ACA is the biggest culprit. While desperate Democrats scramble to protect their flagship legislation, their party is being destroyed and defined by it’s failures. The last four elections have been a referendum on the policies of Barrack Obama and the ACA. Clinging to this policy may be the death knell for the present-day Democratic party.

Written By Traci Belmonte

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