Dear Participants of the Women’s March,

As I walked around New York City on a surprisingly balmy January day, I saw you marching with signs in town.

Signs read:  “Illegal Immigrants Make Our Country Better” “Say Yes to Abortion” “Global Warming is the Number One Threat to Humanity” “Donald Trump Bathes in Cheetos”

I have no problem with your Constitutionally derived right to peacefully assemble; but, enquiring minds need to know: what on earth were you protesting? From what I observed, it seemed to be a march in support of illegal immigration and abortion, while admonishing global warming and Donald Trump’s spray tan. Was the intent of this march to revel in our womanliness and celebrate our Sisterhood? If so, it fell short of its goals because my choice of President, political ideology, and pro-life beliefs were prohibited from representation. #ResistBigotry

Where were you when Hillary Clinton received millions in campaign contributions from countries that enslave their women? Where were you when Bill Clinton cheated on his wife and abused women? Where were you when Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama declared that marriage should be between a man and a woman? Where were you when countless generations of women were forced to undergo genital mutilation in Mali? Where were you when millions of female fetuses had their lives ended by abortion? Where were you when young women were forced to freely bleed in “period tents” because of the lack of feminine-hygiene products in Africa? Where were you when Kate Steinle was murdered by an illegal immigrant? Why isn’t Madonna promising oral sex to help all of these females? Offering to prostitute your body in exchange for Hillary Clinton votes is so feminist! #YouveComeALongWayBaby

One of your participants told me that she was protesting because Donald Trump was going to take away her “rights”. When I asked her what rights Donald Trump wanted to take away, I got some absurd answer that he is going to take away Social Security and he won’t support equal pay for women. When I corrected this woman about Trump’s firm promise not to touch Social Security and how there has been a federal law on the books guaranteeing women equal pay since 1963, I was called a “Dumb Trump Supporter” and a “disgrace to women”. I suppose we can celebrate our Sisterhood together only if I share your views? #Equality

To the “Global Warming” Sign-Holders, where were you when the participants of this march littered the streets with their various signs, bottles, and food wrappers. The city was left a dirty mess. Was that your way of sticking it to the men I saw forced to clean up your debris? You sure showed them, Ladies! #GirlPower

I don’t need or want to be a part of your “Women’s March”. On November 8th 2016, I was part of a different kind of women’s march at the voting booth. Over thirty-million women across the nation attended that march with me and voted Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States. We didn’t need to hoist tawdry signs in the air while wearing Vagina Hats on our heads yelling about how vulgar and inappropriate Donald Trump is for our children. We didn’t need elderly celebrities threatening to blow up federal buildings either. We never claimed oppression and victim-hood because we were born with ovaries. And we certainly didn’t hate, shame, or exclude other women because they didn’t think just like us. #LoveTrumpsHate


Traci Belmonte

2 thoughts on “An Open Letter to the Nasty Women

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