
The 61-year-old billionaire and self-proclaimed “humanitarian,” Bill Gates, has a new, younger protege that wants to follow in his footsteps by trying to vaccinate the entire world: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. According to reports, Zuckerberg is currently in the process of opening up his own $600 million “biohub” in Silicon Valley that aims to procure $3 billion in capital to “cure, prevent and manage” all disease throughout the entire world in just one generation.

The social media guru has apparently been inspired by Gates’ ambitious goal to jab every man, woman, and child on the planet with as many vaccines as possible in order to reduce the global population. And just like Gates, Zuckerberg is couching his latest endeavors in faux benevolence, particularly when it comes to the vaccination agenda that is being branded as humanitarian aid.

The ultimate goal of Zuckerberg’s biohub, as reported by The Guardian, is to usher in a “new era of accelerated progress in science and health.” In plain speak, the plan is to roll out all sorts of new vaccines, genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), crop chemicals, and other things to centralize control over the basic necessities of the world.

Several large universities have already partnered with Zuckerberg’s biohub, including the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), and Stanford University. Together, these academic institutions will partner with Zuckerberg and his various investors and project managers to begin the world’s “most bold and innovative and most risky work” to bring the plan to fruition.


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