Obama Abandoned Syria’s Christians. Now Trump Can Save Them.

The Syriac-Assyrian Christian co-president of the Federation is appealing to the Trump administration to send support to the brave Christian fighters in Syria — whom President Obama refused to help. The Syriac-Assyrian Christian forces there are fighting bravely, but in desperate need of military and humanitarian aid, as can be seen in the new video below, which was provided as an exclusive to The Stream. Supporters of Syrian Christians hope Christians in the U.S., and this new Administration, will support them in ending ISIS and bringing freedom to the Middle East.

Final Truth: The Dispensable Mike Flynn!

The president has to make swift decisions in trying moments without having access to the full picture. Trump works at warp speed consistent with ruthless businessmen who are usually very successful. He may or may not allow one or two mistakes to be made.Trump will not hesitate to bring the ax down when necessary.

Fukushima catastrophe continues to worsen after six years of ongoing meltdowns

The “unimaginable” levels of radiation at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant have been widely reported on; in early February 2017, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) reported that the radiation levels inside reactor 2 had reached a devastating 530 sieverts per hour. Just a mere five sieverts is enough to be lethal in a matter of months, and ten sieverts can lead to death in just a few short weeks.

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