Busted! Social Media Giant Caught Protecting Pedophiles, Refuses To Remove Child Porn From Platform

While social media giant, Facebook, is fast to censor conservative news, most recently caught red-handed deleting posts from Paul Joseph Watson sharing Infowars articles, has been exposed as suppressing conservative news, removes content supportive of traditional marriage as a violation of their terms, it seems that child porn, images of children in sexualized poses shared in closed groups with obscene comments besides them, among other disturbing visuals and verbiage, including requests to share “child pornography,” doesn’t breach their liberal “community standards.”

YouTube’s Glaring Double Standard: Christian & Prager U videos targeted for removal, but David Duke’s hateful, anti-Semitic video gets a pass

In the last two years, YouTube, which is owned by Google, removed the trailer for a Christian movie about homosexuality, removed a video about the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, and removed some Prager University videos about Islam (while restricting access to some of their other videos). Yet when David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, released a virulently anti-Semitic video, YouTube found nothing wrong with it. For good reason, even political leaders are outraged over the double standard.

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