Trump Exposes Orwellian ‘Surveillance State’ We Live Under – It Is Not About Trump, It Is That They Are Spying On All Of Us

Those of us in the Independent Media that have been mocked or been labeled “conspiracy theorists” by the establishment media for our assertions, for years, that America has turned into one huge surveillance state, where almost all electronic devices can be used to spy on Americans, all communications of any digital form, from emails to private messages, have been vindicated, and whether Trump supporters or not, we all owe him a huge thank you for exposing the Orwellian state we all live in today to the masses that have largely kept their head buried in the sand.

U.S. Senate votes to allow ISPs and telecoms to sell your internet history

Despite widespread disapproval from constituents, S.J.Res 34 has passed the United States Senate with a vote of 50-48, with two absent votes. Earlier today, at 12:25 Eastern March 23, 2017, the US Senate voted on S.J.Res 34, and will use the Congressional Review Act to strip away broadband privacy protections that kept Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and telecoms from selling your internet history and app data usage to third parties. S.J.Res 34 was first introduced by 23 Republican Senators earlier this month and its blitz approval is a giant blow to privacy rights in the United States.

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