China’s Century If Democrats Have Anything To Say About It

For all the grief Democrats give Richard Nixon they really should be thanking him. His trip to China ultimately made many of them very, very wealthy. Over the 40 years between 1972, with a trade volume of just shy of $5 million US, to 2012 when that volume reached $500 billion, the mercenary and short-sighted on both sides of the aisles in D.C. and in boardrooms all across the world have frantically scrambled to see who could sell out the American Middle Class the fastest and most profitably with the least backlash. To the surprise of everyone not deeply connected to the Bush CIA, the answer came out of Arkansas in the form of the Clintons – a charismatic coke-head, easily black-mailable since he couldn’t resist following his penis into trouble, and his sociopathic Stepford Commissar of a wife – a small time gangster’s daughter who apparently fell in love with hating America about the same time she developed an all-consuming desire for personal and political power at any cost. All through the 90s, while Joe Six-pack tried to save a buck at WalMart so he could give Sally Soccermom a nice night out at one of those quaint old places they used to go to – which kept closing down, for some reason – the industrial might of China, directed by the organizational power of the People’s Liberation Army and supercharged with US money and ideas, grew stronger while American manufacturing and production ability, regulated into confusion and taxed into poverty, declined. By the 2000s, distracted by the military industrial complex’s newest cash cow and social control mechanism – the “War on Terror” – no one had any time to spare thinking about the fact that all the things that we needed to maintain our technological edge were made somewhere else. Usually China. And in 2012, when Cambridge University found a programmer’s backdoor in a military-grade chip made in China and destined for some American soldier’s G.I. hi-tech doodad we were all too enthralled by the Presidential Election (Un)Reality TV Show and wondering how Al-Qaeda had turned into ISIS (without anyone in our $40 billion intelligence apparatus noticing) to speculate on what that might mean. And while American soldiers were re-learning how to walk quietly in the dark without breaking an ankle while carrying an eighty pound backpack, the Chinese were developing 4 generations of stealth fighters, a space program and some pretty impressive accuracy for their missiles. That this “great leap forward” began shortly after Bill Clinton’s successful re-election in 1996 is purely coincidental I’m sure – despite that at least 2.8 million of the more than $100 million William Jefferson Clinton spent to get re-elected was later found to have been “inappropriately” donated by Chinese nationals, including known agents and members of the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China. Just punch “Loral” or “Wead” into your favorite search engine and see what comes up. While it can certainly be argued that foreign interests, including Chinese interests, have never found Washington D.C. a chilly environment no matter who they talk to as long as they have plenty of money to burn, the Democrats have made a fetish of proclaiming their love for the workers and the poor and disadvantaged. All the while they are actively pursuing policies that not only make life harder for the worker, cement the poor in their circumstance and further stigmatize the disadvantaged but also enrich and aggrandize themselves while they do it. This could have gone on for many more decades given the incredible strength and resilience of the American voter, combined with their short attention span and fondness for simple “solutions” to the problem de jure. But something happened that completely upset the old paradigm of “lie your way into office, cash in as long as you can and bail out while the money is still flowing your way”. In 2016, a man, who many people regarded as a curious mixture of used car salesman and televangelist, appeared and asked the voters “What have you got to lose?”. A large number of Americans who could actually be bothered to vote couldn’t come up with an answer to that and Donald J. Trump became the 45th President of the United States. Tomorrow I will explain, dear reader, why the people who think you are a stupid animal, fit only to be herded in profitable directions until you die, are screaming “Russian agent!” over that. Check out Part 3! – Comrade X

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