Why Trump Makes Them Crazy(er)

Like me, most people thought back in 2015 that Donald Trump’s campaign was just another publicity stunt. After all it certainly wouldn’t have been the first time someone kept their name in the public’s mind by dabbling in politics. But then a strange thing began to happen – the American voter actually seemed to stop and think about what was going on around them and where it seemed headed. We were offered a wide variety of choices that all shared one of two qualities – they were either unknown factors or had an extensive history of spectacular, always expensive, and usually fatal for somebody, failures. Only the most divorced from reality single issue twit could look at the course the world in general and the US in particular has followed in the last few decades and be pleased. So the voters looked at the same bunch of sleazy liars who had given them banker bailouts, open-ended wars and fines for not being able to afford health insurance but promised to fix it all THIS time. And then they looked at the rich blowhard who told them “Its a crooked system. I know because I made a small fortune into a big fortune by playing along. Put me in office and I’ll make it work better for you.” The voters apparently realised that even if the rich blowhard was lying at least it was a different KIND of lie and the way EVERYBODY suddenly hated the guy might even mean he was telling the truth. The rest is now history. And that’s why life for you, and probably even me, has gotten, possibilities speaking, a lot more dangerous. Because Trump might just be the “real deal”. Yes, Donald Trump might actually be the “America Firster” that blows a great big hole in the Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate’s attempt to sell America out to the highest bidding James-Bond-Villian-Wannabee. Both the psychology and the self-interest are right for that. Trump makes money in the leisure and entertainments industry. For people to have money to watch evaporate at the gaming table or shell out for greens’ fees and show tickets they need jobs. People who spend three-quarters of their income on food and shelter and the rest on taxes don’t nip off to Atlantic City for the weekend or look for a new course upon which to try their graphite clubs. That Trump has a big ego is pretty clear. For me the tip-off came when I noticed how he likes his name lit up in 10 foot tall letters on things. People with a lot of ego frequently seek political office for the wealth and power that one can accumulate there. Trump already had those and no one with an ego like his would enjoy the unceasing insults and mockery. But it was his ego that drove Trump to run for President just the same. From the time you attend your first funeral you start to wonder how people will remember you. Donald Trump doesn’t want to be remembered as just another rich guy. Too many of those to keep track of already and they all sort of blend together. For an ego like Trump’s, something more is required – he has to be “THE MAN WHO SAVED THE AMERICAN DREAM”. The fact that the American Dream as shown on TV never actually existed outside the alcohol and dexedrine fueled imaginations of a few dozen Madison Avenue executives is entirely irrelevant. And THAT is the big danger of Donald Trump. Part of the American Dream is the persistence of the odd, old-fashioned notions like “crime doesn’t pay”, or at least shouldn’t pay – unless everybody gets a percentage but the mark. So when Trump talks about putting power back into the hands of the people, well that’s letting the marks in on the con. Since at least the end of World War I, but almost certainly much longer than that, popular opinion and the direction of society has been very carefully nudged in the directions most convenient and profitable for a few to the detriment of everyone else. Just about everyone has a particular origin story and name for these few, usually coinciding, coincidently, with the one’s own particular list of prejudices and grievances. Whatever you call them, one thing is clear – they aren’t nice people. They have no problem at all with spreading misery, destruction and death as long as it doesn’t happen near them, pays decent for the hours, and somebody else has to clean up the mess. And apparently that is one of their least twisted pastimes. I will not subject the reader to yet another listing of the known scandals and scandalous coverup attempts. You have as much access to search engines on the internet as I do. If you don’t already know about the lies, the corruption, the treason, the drug dealing, the child molesting, fraud, embezzlement and suspicious deaths that SO many “leaders” on both sides of the approved political spectrum have been involved in its only because you haven’t had the time or couldn’t be bothered to look. The powers that be ‘know the scams’ can’t keep running forever. And since they couldn’t get another easily controllable puppet in the Whitehouse they are worried that they don’t have time to hit the big score – crashing the economy and blaming Trump causing the marks to beg for the final control grid lockdown, before some low-level minion decides to sing like a bird for immunity, or, like Seth Rich, becomes so disillusioned and disgusted that they sing for nothing. And President Trump knows that any time his poll numbers get too low some investigations or, better yet on so many levels, prosecutions, will bump them right back up again. “Lock her up” was a real crowd pleaser all last year and is still going strong today. So before the story of Harry Reid’s involvement in a deal with Chinese companies that keeps causing armed standoffs between ranchers and “civil servants”, or Hillary Clinton’s relationship to a woman arrested for human trafficking, or the details of that uranium deal with Russia become any clearer, you can expect a great many more bizzarro-world type charges to be leveled at Mr. Trump, his staff, his supporters and any person with the gall to not immediately understand that he is a “NAZI WHO MUST BE STOPPED!”. Either that, or lots more terrorism and war. Maybe even nuclear. Because Donald J. Trump might just be the real deal. An “America First” President. And even if he isn’t, some people are plenty scared he is. Check out Part 1! – Comrade X

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