Who is Omar Navarro?

Omar Navarro was born in Inglewood, California. He has also lived in Hawthorne, and he currently resides in Torrance. Omar and his wife Torey have been married for three years. Navarro is a Small Business Owner, and has worked with Fortune 500 companies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and has assisted victims of crimes at the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office. Omar is the coordinator for the Unified Small Business Alliance Outreach Program.

For the record: No, the world isn’t ending this Saturday (but yes, humanity will destroy itself soon enough)

Despite the popular predictions of some prophecy-minded groups, the world isn’t ending this Saturday. I fully realize many people will be seriously disappointed by such a notion, because it means that all the problems you have to deal with today will still be there for you to deal with on Monday. While the idea of a “cosmic reboot” instantly eliminating all the world’s problems and sorting out the good from the bad in a grand gesture of divine judgement might appeal to a great many people, I suspect that God’s plan for you won’t be so easy to complete.

Ben Garrison: “Hillary Revere”

Hillary Clinton recently compared herself to the classic American patriot Paul Revere. She claims she’s sounding the alarm to warn us all about how the Russians will steal more elections from us because after all, they stole one from her. She even claimed Putin had it in for her personally. Paranoid much, Hillary?

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