
In the name of fighting diseases, China is justifying eugenics and is leading the way on gene selection rather than “people selection.” During the 20th century, communism killed one-hundred million people, all based in large part on two principles Classicide and Ethnic cleansing.

Alarmingly experts seem to have forgotten a key goal of communism, based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the creation of a ‘new human.’ In the 20th century, beginning in the United Kingdom and sprawling across the globe was an ideology based on improving the genetic quality of a group of individuals, also called eugenics. The twisted philosophy enacted both positive and negative practices such as advocating for higher rates of sexual reproduction among people with desired traits and the sterilization of people with less-desired or undesired traits. In the United States this practice, through Margaret Higgins Sanger, led to the formation of Planned Parenthood and Birth Control.


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