How To Clean Your Arteries Using One Simple Fruit

Arteries are these tiny little blood vessels that transport blood throughout body, from your brain all the way down to your toes. Healthy arteries have smooth inner walls, so blood can easily move through them, allowing your body to remain healthy and happy. However, arteries can become clogged due to plaque buildup on their inner walls, preventing blood from flowing properly or, in some cases, blocking it entirely.

Fields of pigs to be bred in Matrix-like bio-factories, then murdered for organ transplants into humans

The latest horror story from the world of dangerous medicine and genetic engineering involves the mass breeding of pigs in bio-factories, to be murdered and organ harvested for human transplants. The New York Times, not surprisingly, celebrates this mass murder of conscious beings (pigs) in order to generate massive profits for the organ harvesting and transplant industry.

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