Gun control vs MEDICATION control: FDA-approved prescription drugs kill more Americans each day than the entire casualty count from the Las Vegas Mandalay massacre

America is rightfully outraged over the slaughter of innocent concertgoers in Las Vegas two days ago, and the political Left immediately exploited the tragedy to call for gun control — stripping all citizens of their Second Amendment rights while monopolizing the ownership of guns in the hands of the government.

‘Pray Only Trumptards Died’: Soulless Liberals Celebrate Vegas Massacre As They Prove How Much They Hate Patriotic Americans

The majority of the nation prays for the victims of the Vegas Massacre, where nearly 60 people died and over 520 people were injured on Sunday, as videos and audio of horrendous automatic gunfire can be seen and heard as attendees of a country and western concert, the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas Village, can be seen running for their lives with others lying motionless after the bullets flew.

Official story of Las Vegas shooting unravels; physical impossibility of lone gunman senior citizen makes narrative ludicrous

Even highly trained Navy Seals would have a difficult time running a full auto weapon for 10 minutes straight. Such weapon systems are brutal on the operator. They require tremendous strength, stamina and expert troubleshooting to keep running. Full-auto weapons overheat and jam. They demand incredible strength to keep aimed on target. They require expert reloading and weapons clearing in the case of jams, and the hotel room would have been so full of smoke and powder residue that it would be almost impossible to keep breathing from that enclosed space.

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