
In a lengthy Facebook message, Moore said the new amendment would guarantee that “states can have State militias (a.k.a. State National Guards which are made up of citizen-soldiers who are called upon in times of natural disasters or other State emergencies).” It would also allow “individuals to use guns for sport and gathering food” and “guarantees everyone the right to be free of, and protected from, gun violence (i.e., the public’s safety comes ahead of an individual’s right to own and fire a gun).”


One thought on “Michael Moore Calls for Repeal and Replace of ‘Ancient’ 2nd Amendment

  1. Researcher says:

    Moore has a problem. The mistake he makes is to confuse the tool with causation for the act. There is evidence mass shootings are being caused by a little known mental event discovered fifty years ago in business offices. Although there is a multi-billion dollar industry to provide peripheral vision blocking protection, to stop the consciously forced long-term suppression of the vision startle reflex and the psychotic-like panicked episode of confusion it can cause, the public, mental health services, and research are unaware this problem exists. Computers allow anyone to create the “mental break causing design mistake” engineers discovered almost anywhere. But without the supervision of an office exposure can be long enough to cause severe outcomes. Have you not wondered why mass shooters have been students, home computer users on social media, video game players with a few small business office or postal workers? The problem is called Subliminal Distraction.

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