Overhwelming False Flag Evidence- But Who Was Really Behind the Vegas Shooting?

An indivdual, whom I have never discussed politics with before, told me that he was glad that the Vegas perpetrator of the shooting of approximately 600 people was dead. Then the individual said that man “was a killing machine”. I tuned him out and just nodded in agreement. It was apparent to me that this man had a terminal case of cognitive dissonance and I wasn’t in the mood to hear his regurgitation of CNN, whom he loves. When he saw that I was tuning him out, he said “I suppose you have a conspiracy theory about this Vegas shooting.” I responded that indeed I did but I did not feel the need to correct his ignorance. He egged me on to present what I knew to be a conspiracy. He responded, “I suppose you think this is another 9/11”. I said “No, this is another JFK assassination experience”. I broke down and told him what is in the following paragraphs.

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