
The negative coverage of President Donald Trump and his administration continued in September, with a new report showing just 8 percent of the coverage was positive.


One thought on “Study: TV News Coverage of Trump 92% Negative

  1. daledor says:

    The CONTROLLED MEDIA just follow the instructions of those who pay their checks if they are not socialist leftists trying to push the New World Order on us. Who are the controllers? Multinational Corporations owned by Multinational Banks who set up the NWO. If they are not loyal to their masters those in media fear to get fired or worse– then again some are stupid enough to follow their masters will or are deceived by perpetual media lies. The Multinational Banks are linked Illuminists along with the Rothschild Empire. It is surprising how many are in Illuminist bloodlines. All are dead set on controlling the world. They have stolen so much of the worlds resources and wealth that they think it is their world and people like me and you who do not serve their agenda are looked at as trash. In truth they would like to reduce the world population to, if I remember right – on the Georgia Guidestones, to 100 Million. My friend, there are billions on the earth.

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