
For Jesus said plainly, “In this world you will have many troubles, but take heart, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33) He proved His overcoming love and power, through the Cross and His Resurrection. If Jesus did that for us, then it’s obvious God can save, and God will save, if we allow Him — no matter what we go through, including our eventual deaths.

It’s obvious, yet it’s difficult, because experience is so dominated by feet and cars and earthquakes and hurricanes and wildfires and wars and all the visible, touchable, feel-able dangers and pains of life. They seem so real. They are so real. But they’re far from the only reality.

Atheists like to mock faith as believing what we know isn’t true. That’s wrong. Faith is believing what we know is true, when tangible experience tries to tell us it isn’t.


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