The CDC Will Start Preparing Americans For Nuclear War

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has just announced that it will conduct a briefing on January 16 concerning the “public health response to a nuclear detonation” over the skies of the United States. The announcement was quietly released over the Christmas break on December 27, 2017, to avoid a mass hysteria event, amid the heightened tensions between the United States and North Korea.

Apple Says All iPhones, Macs Exposed To “Meltdown”, “Spectre” Flaws

All Mac iOS devices and systems are exposed and vulnerable to the recently discovered chip bugs known as Spectre and Meltdown, Apple confirmed on Thursday. The flaws, which as we discussed before, allow hackers unauthorized access to a computer’s memory and sensitive data, were discovered by security researchers at Google Project Zero on Wednesday. Security vulnerabilities called Meltdown and Spectre affect almost all modern CPUs, including those produced by Intel, AMD and ARM Holdings.

The Inventor of a Water-Powered Car That Died In A Restaurant Yelling ‘They Poisoned Me’

Everyday the world becomes aware of technologies that have the potential to halt the unnecessary damage we continue to create using fossil fuels. We’ve been talking about it for years, transitioning our way of life to be more harmonious with the planet and its natural systems. I’m not talking about solar or wind power (although great), I’m talking about clean and green technology that render fossil fuel burning technologies inferior and obsolete.

Jeff Sessions re-criminalizes cannabis nationwide… the full TYRANNY of Washington D.C. lunatics is now on display

“Instead of going after ‘high crimes’ committed by public servants that put our republic in grave danger, Sessions is instead hyper-focused on…pot,” writes JD Heyes for Natural News. “Now, it seems, Trump’s AG believes marijuana poses a bigger threat to public law and order than, say, mishandling reams of classified information that can be used by our enemies to blackmail our officials, undermine our diplomatic efforts, and generally put all 323 million-plus Americans in grave danger.”

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