
By now, you’ve probably heard that U.S. DOJ head Jeff Sessions just “re-criminalized” all cannabis nationwide, regardless of state-based legalization of cannabis for medical and recreational use.

“The Justice Department chief effectively withdrew federal guidelines that helped limit prosecutions of businesses and individuals who sold pot in a legal manner under state law because marijuana sales are still banned under federal law,” reports The Daily Sheeple. “Sessions, a hard-liner against the push to legalize marijuana, has vowed to take a tougher stance since joining the Trump administration last year.”

“Instead of going after ‘high crimes’ committed by public servants that put our republic in grave danger, Sessions is instead hyper-focused on…pot,” writes JD Heyes for Natural News. “Now, it seems, Trump’s AG believes marijuana poses a bigger threat to public law and order than, say, mishandling reams of classified information that can be used by our enemies to blackmail our officials, undermine our diplomatic efforts, and generally put all 323 million-plus Americans in grave danger.”


One thought on “Jeff Sessions re-criminalizes cannabis nationwide… the full TYRANNY of Washington D.C. lunatics is now on display

  1. JR Messina says:

    While I am not for federally legalizing POT, this is something that would happen in a Bannana republic.
    There are so many laws being broken including Deep State treason and Sactuary City/States that have major impacts on America compared the POT. Just from a financial standpoint this is not acceptable.
    Trump needs to replace Sessions with someone that will use the position of the Highest Law enforcement position In the country to actual investigate real crime.

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