B67617ED-8076-43D8-910E-63639EA07DCB Rebuilding rural America Today, President Donald J. Trump travels to Nashville, Tennessee, to deliver a major address at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Annual Meeting. It will mark the first time since 1992 an American president has spoken at the event. That symbolism is important. From his earliest days on the campaign trail, President Trump has highlighted the difference in prosperity between rural America and the country’s wealthiest coastal enclaves. One sentence explains why this message resonated across America’s interior. It comes from the opening lines of a report from President Trump’s Agriculture and Rural Prosperity Task Force, which the President will share during his speech today: “While other sectors of the American economy have largely recovered from the Great Recession, rural America has lagged in almost every indicator.” Watch the President’s speech live at 4:10 p.m. ET. Bonus read: President Trump stands with local communities against government overreach on land management.
Council of Economic Advisers: 2017 was a ‘banner year’ This week, the President’s Council of Economic Advisers weighed in on why “2017 was a banner year for the United States labor market.” In the Council’s own words: – “The economy added 2.1 million jobs and reversed job losses in critical sectors, most notably in manufacturing.” – “Unemployment rates for America’s veterans, African-Americans, and Hispanics . . . reached historic lows in 2017.” – “The first wave of tax reform job and wage gains should produce continued tightness in the labor market and thus bigger take-home checks for workers.” Read the CEA’s blog post about what happened to the American economy in 2017.
Behind the scenes at Camp David President Trump spent the weekend at Camp David, hosting bicameral Congressional Leadership for a small-group discussion of 2018 legislative priorities that will build on the success of tax reform. The President specifically mentioned national security, infrastructure, the federal budget, and opioids as major topics of conversation. “We have a lot of things to work on, a lot of things to accomplish,” the President said before boarding Marine One on Friday. Behind the scenes: See photos and remarks from the President’s weekend with Congressional leaders at Camp David.


After President Trump delivers remarks at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Annual Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, he will attend the NCAA National Championship football game in Atlanta.


On Wednesday morning, President Trump will hold a meeting with his Cabinet. Later, the President will welcome Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway to the White House. The two will discuss the bilateral ties between the United States and Norway, and how to jointly advance regional and global security, and economic prosperity.

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