Jamie Dimon: “I Regret Calling Bitcoin A Fraud”

Less than four months after Jamie Dimon lashed out at bitcoin, warning that it was would “eventually blow up” because it was “worse than tulip bulbs” and that “any trader trading bitcoin” will be “fired for being stupid”, the JPMorgan CEO said he “regrets” his infamous criticism of bitcoin, in which he called the cryptocurrency a “fraud.”

Pet vaccines are costly, toxic and dangerous – no WONDER pets die earlier now

Most veterinarians ignore research that proves most vaccines do not provide long lasting immunity for animals. When you get your pet vaccinated every year, including booster shots, it’s way too often, and you are thus giving your pet all of the risk with no benefits. Even every three years, according to research, can be too often. Those pesky mailers that come to your home reminding you to get your pet vaccinated are just propaganda and big money makers for “Big Vet Pharma.”

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