
Most veterinarians ignore research that proves most vaccines do not provide long lasting immunity for animals. When you get your pet vaccinated every year, including booster shots, it’s way too often, and you are thus giving your pet all of the risk with no benefits. Even every three years, according to research, can be too often. Those pesky mailers that come to your home reminding you to get your pet vaccinated are just propaganda and big money makers for “Big Vet Pharma.”

Did you know there are no adjustments in vaccine dosage for the size or age of your pet? The same goes for humans. A 300-pound man receives the same dose of mercury (ethylmercury) in a flu shot that a 6-month young, 16 pound baby gets. A 200-pound Great Dane gets the same dose of aluminum and formaldehyde as an 8-pound Shi Tzu. Your 9-pound housecat or 2-pound kitten gets the same dose of neurotoxins that a 420-pound lion receives. Talk about overwhelming the animal’s immune system! Today, vaccine reactions are at an all-time high. In fact, a U.K. study of 2,000 dogs and cats revealed a shocking 10 percent risk of adverse reactions from vaccines, contradicting the manufacturers report rate. (They lied profusely and said it was 0.015 percent.) Surprise, surprise.


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