435649EE-A6C1-4565-B9C8-47293CF86F22.png What Bob Dole can teach us Former Senate Republican Leader Robert Dole will receive the Congressional Gold Medal today in a ceremony on Capitol Hill. President Donald J. Trump will speak about the importance of Dole’s legacy to conservatives and to Americans of all stripes. A celebrated war hero, Dole holds the record for longest-serving Republican leader in the Senate. He is widely known for his bipartisan, levelheaded approach to hot-button issues such as Social Security. As America reaches a crossroads on pivotal issues from immigration and security at our borders to opioids and crumbling infrastructure in our heartland, our leaders in Congress must look to Dole as a role model now more than ever.

53 percent strong “Women represent 53% of the electorate, but care about 100% of the issues,” read a large screen behind the Women of America discussion panels hosted by the White House yesterday. Female leaders from across the U.S. government joined mothers, business owners, law-enforcement officials, and other women for three panels overseen by Director of Surrogate & Coalitions Outreach Kelly Sadler: – The first panel covered economics, with Ivanka Trump, Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, and U.S. Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon touting the effects of tax and regulatory reform on American businesses—more than a third of which are headed by women. – The next panel discussed health care. White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway opened by addressing the “crisis next door” of opioid addiction. Seema Verma, director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, talked through her goal of empowering patients. – The final group talked national security and public safety, joined by Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson, Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand, and Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence Sue Gordon. Gordon shared how the intelligence community has grown from a primarily male-dominated field to one achieving relative gender parity.
A partner to help deter North Korea President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan met with President Trump in a bilateral meeting at the White House yesterday. As an elected member of the United Nations Security Council for the remainder of 2018, Kazakhstan has become an even more crucial strategic partner. Beginning with the voluntary renunciation of its nuclear arsenal in 1992, Kazakhstan has proven itself to be a global leader on non-proliferation issues. Its relationship with America runs deep: The United States was the first country to recognize Kazakhstani independence on Christmas Day 1991. “Together, we are determined to prevent the North Korean regime from threatening the world with nuclear devastation,” President Trump said. Read more: Kazakhstan is a security partner for the 21st century.


Today, President Trump will attend a Congressional Gold Medal ceremony honoring former Senator Bob Dole at the U.S. Capitol. This morning, Vice President Pence will host a breakfast meeting with President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan. In the afternoon, the Vice President will join President Trump in attending the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony.

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