
Just when you thought connected devices couldn’t get any more intrusive, Amazon steps in and takes things up a notch with its Echo Spot, which is already available in the U.S. and soon to launch in the U.K. With its “smart alarm” feature being heavily marketed, the internet retail giant is hoping you’ll place it next to your bed – most likely facing it directly as this is the most obvious placement for alarm clocks.

Of course, this is much more than an alarm clock. It is equipped with a microphone and camera, and it actually hears people talking all the way across the room, even when music is playing. In other words, it’s always listening to you. What it’s doing with all that highly personal information, however, is anyone’s guess.

In fact, Amazon wants you to place one in every room of your house, a move they are encouraging by making the devices work together. For example, its multi-room music feature allows people to play music throughout their home by placing Echo Spots in each room – all while Amazon watches and listens to their every move.


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