
Freedom in Florida is under attack again, as state legislators seek to pass multiple vaccine-related bills to restrict personal liberty. Under these unconstitutional pieces of legislation, law-makers would “delete” parental rights regarding vaccine tracking. Senate Bill 1680 was filed on January 5, 2018 — and under this bill, parents would no longer have the right to “opt-out” of having their child’s vaccination status monitoring by bureaucratic government agencies. This bill would require students have a vaccination record on file with the government to attend school.

House Bill 1045, introduced December 19, 2017, seeks to exact similar measures — by requiring “electronic availability” of vaccination records. The bill would also revise the vaccine requirements needed for public school students. HB 1045 would also demand that students have a “certificate of immunization on file with the Department of Health.”

Both bills serve to restrict a parent’s right to protect their children’s privacy — or rather, eliminate it entirely.


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