Patent Filed for Self-Driving Police Car That Can Take Over Your Vehicle

The automated cop car would be designed to seek out especially crafty hiding places, detect driving infractions, wirelessly interface with potentially (automated) lawbreaking vehicles, and even remotely issue citations. According to Techcrunch, Ford’s patent filing suggests that the new machine learning algorithm would not only be capable of determining whether the infraction constitutes a ticket or a warning but would also be able to manually take control of the vehicle if necessary, although it is not entirely clear what the patent envisions in the way of manual takeovers. The AI black-and-white would also have instantaneous access to any databases necessary to adjudicate suspects and offenders.

Popocatepetl volcano erupts 4 times in a row sending column of ash 3000 meters above its crater

Although the alert level at Popocatépetl remains unchanged – Yellow – CENAPRED urges NOT TO APPROACH the volcano due to the danger of falling ballistic fragments after volcanic activity has increased again on January 30, 2018. A strong explosion occurred on Tuesday afternoon at 4:21 p.m. local time throwing ash 3,000 meters above the volcanic peak. Ashfall is expected for populations situated northwest of the volcano.

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