
Big Pharma’s many wrongdoings are well-documented, but most of us focus on the damage they’ve caused to human health. Unfortunately, a new report shows that the environment is also suffering because of their practices – and it’s setting a chain of events in motion that could undo all of the medical progress made in modern times.

A survey carried out by the not-for-profit Access to Medicine Foundation found that just eight of the 18 companies questioned said they had set limits regarding how much antibiotic discharge could be released into wastewater. In the survey, which involved Big Pharma names like Novartis, Roche, GSK, and generic drug makers, none of the respondents were willing to disclose how much antibiotic discharge they are releasing into the environment.

Moreover, just one respondent revealed the name of its suppliers, which is significant because this makes companies more accountable for the way they treat the environment.


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