
Mikaela worked as Paddock’s $6,000 a night prostitute and slept with him in the infamous Mandalay Bay hotel suite from which Paddock launched his deadly assault. She saw Paddock two to three times a month after the 64-year-old gunman volunteered to be her “sugar daddy”.

Mikaela also claims that shortly before the attack, Paddock began sending deranged messages to another call girl in which he claimed to be a victim of government mind control.

“There’s messages where Stephen is telling her he’s a government experiment and that they are listening to everything he says and does, and they can hack into his brain and take over,” Mikaela said.

The veracity of the story is dubious given its nature, but conspiracy theories surrounding the most deadly shooting in American history are inevitable given the complete lack of information about the motive behind the attack.


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