
Without your knowledge or consent, you have been programmed with a media virus that tells your brain to reject any evidence or information that contradicts the false “worldview” that’s been implanted in your consciousness by the corporate controllers. In effect, you are living in a giant Truman Show, and the world you think is real is actually a carefully constructed artificial reality… a kind of “dome” boundary for your mind.

The aim of the corporate-controlled media is to limit the expansion of your awareness and trap your mind in thought loops that play in your head like subliminal tapes, saying things like “Trump is evil” or “Communism is good.” These thought loops are engineered and scripted by experts in influence conditioning who invoke root emotions of fear, love, hatred, compassion or conformity to achieve socially-policed obedience to their agendas. All things they oppose, for example, are associated with fear and hatred (Trump, border security, military defense, etc.). Meanwhile, all things they want you to swallow are painted in the language of love or compassion (LGBT agenda, climate change, open borders, etc.).


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