Ben Garrison: “Three Cons in a Fountain”

Obama knew Hillary had an illegal, private ‘pay for play’ server and they both conspired to produce a false facts dossier on then presidential candidate Trump. The dossier was written with the help of the British spy and private investigator, Christopher Steele, whose anti-Trump bias was well known. He worked with his Russian operatives to produce a load of anti-Trump hogwash, long since proven to be nothing but lies. Steele was paid handsomely by Hillary to manufacture the dirt. Obama then used the dossier to obtain a FISA warrant, enabling him and his FBI cronies to spy on the Trump campaign.

Bitcoin better than gold & will be worth $340,000 – cryptocurrency billionaire Winklevoss

“Taking bitcoin in isolation… we believe bitcoin disrupts gold. We think it’s a better gold, if you look at the properties of money. And what makes gold gold? Scarcity. Bitcoin is actually fixed in supply so it’s better than scarce… it’s more portable, its fungible, it’s more durable. It sort of equals a better gold across the board,” Winklevoss told CNBC.

CDC director’s resignation confirms a long pattern of CDC corruption and corporate science cover-ups that enrich the politically powerful

Just days ago, the head of the Centers for Disease Control, Brenda Fitzgerald, abruptly resigned after it was revealed that she owned shares of big tobacco companies, as well as a prominent vaccine manufacturing company called Merck, whose products are often promoted by the CDC. This, of course, is a gross conflict of interest, and Americans everywhere should be outraged that the director of the CDC would be engaged in this level of corruption while claiming to be working in our own best interests.

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