Gender Identity Invades The Church – Diocese Bans Masculine Language For God

The latest clash between feminism and the Church centers around the grammatical gender of God Himself with the Episcopal Diocese of Washington D.C. voting to ban the use of masculine pronouns when referring to God. And this wouldn’t be the first church to do so. The Church of Sweden made a similar change in 2017 when it voted to use only gender-neutral pronouns in reference to God.

Japanese ban on creating human organs in animals to be lifted; “transplant farms” to mass produce organs for disease-ridden humans?

The process of donating human organs can be somewhat tricky, and you will often have to wait quite a while before getting approval that your organs can indeed be donated. Meanwhile, being on the receiving end of an organ transplant can be just as troublesome. The waiting list is even longer than the one for organ donors, and there are often shortages because of the limited number of available organs that are ready for transplant.

Hundreds of Scientists Tell The World That The GMO & Cancer Link Is Real

Anytime a peer-reviewed publication reveals something startling that could literally shut down an entire industry, it seems to be retracted. This is a big problem, and perhaps the biggest when it comes to medical science, with multiple doctors, professors and scientists coming forward in abundance to stress the fact that more than half of all the published research out there could be false. This is why we see so much independent peer reviewed research completely contradict that which is put out by government health authorities.

YouTube suspends ads on Logan Paul videos

“After careful consideration, we have decided to temporarily suspend ads on Logan Paul’s YouTube channels,” YouTube said in a statement. “This is not a decision we made lightly, however, we believe he has exhibited a pattern of behavior in his videos that makes his channel not only unsuitable for advertisers but also potentially damaging to the broader creator community.”

Glyphosate from Monsanto’s Roundup decimates microbes in soils and the human gut

Gut bacteria is gaining increasing attention for the role it plays in our overall health. Given its influence on everything from immune function to digestion to brain function, research has been consistently showing the power of healthy gut bacteria – and the dangers of getting it wrong. Unfortunately, one very common chemical that has made its way to our food supply has now been shown to decimate gut microbes: glyphosate.

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