6FFA9FFB-EC15-40F7-891D-82705733ABA3 JUST RELEASED: In President Donald J. Trump’s latest Weekly Address, he discusses his meeting with law enforcement leaders last week on the scourge of violence from the gang MS-13. “Glaring loopholes in our laws have allowed criminals and gang members to break into our country,” President Trump says.
The President’s plan to rebuild America America has long been a Nation of builders, President Trump told the country January 30 in his first State of the Union Address. “We built the Empire State Building in just 1 year—is it not a disgrace that it can now take 10 years just to get a permit approved for a simple road?” He called on leaders of both parties in Congress to come together to deliver the safe, reliable, and modern infrastructure that Americans deserve. Today, he will outline his legislative principles to accomplish just that: – $200 billion in Federal funds to spur at least $1.5 trillion in infrastructure investments with partners at the state, local, tribal, and private level – New investments in rural America, which has been left behind for too long – Decision-making authority will return to state and local governments – Regulatory barriers that needlessly get in the way of infrastructure projects will be removed – Permitting for infrastructure projects will be streamlined and shortened – America’s workforce will be supported and strengthened “We will build gleaming new roads, bridges, highways, railways, and waterways all across our land,” President Trump said. “And we will do it with American heart, and American hands, and American grit.” Read more about how President Trump plans to rebuild America’s infrastructure.
To save Gaza, turn on the lights The Kerem Shalom border crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip has long been a flashpoint for conflict. Last weekend, Israeli authorities foiled a Hamas attempt to smuggle explosives at the crossing into Gaza—including components expected to be used to launch projectiles into Israel. While Hamas’ attacks on Israel are well-documented, Hamas’ exploitation of the people it claims to govern is appalling in its own right. Hamas can’t even keep the lights on, and must depend on the generosity of the Palestinian Authority for a few hours of power each day. “Imagine what the people of Gaza could do with the $100 million Iran has historically given Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups annually that Hamas uses for weapons and tunnels to attack Israel,” wrote Jason Greenblatt, Assistant to President Donald J. Trump and Special Representative for International Negotiations. Read more: To Save Gaza, Turn on the Lights
A $10,000 check The afternoon of President Trump’s first State of the Union Address 13 days ago, The Washington Post ran a story about a special interaction the President had with campaign volunteer Shane Bouvet: The unusual meeting was arranged after Trump said he read a profile about Bouvet in The Washington Post. The struggling single father had spent nights working and days volunteering for Trump, who Bouvet hoped could bring renewal to his home town of Stonington, Ill., and other corners hard hit by the decline in U.S. industry. On Monday, [a $10,000 check from the President] arrived in the mail. … Bouvet said he planned to use the money to pay for chemotherapy for his father, who he said is suffering from bladder cancer. On Friday, President Trump once again met with Bouvet—along with his father, Donald Bouvet, who is now cancer-free. “And I just think it’s an incredible story. Very rarely do I hear a story like this,” the President said. “I want to thank Mr. President for everything and the blessings that he’s done for me and my family,” Shane Bouvet said. Read more about President Trump’s powerful encounter with the Bouvet family.


Today, after hosting a meeting with state and local officials about his infrastructure initiative, President Trump will meet with Vice President Mike Pence. Later, the President will have lunch with the Vice President and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.

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