
A cancer diagnosis is truly one of the most terrifying things a human can ever face. It is understandable that at such a time a person might be drawn to the apparent security of relying on the recommendations of the “qualified” doctor or oncologist who suggests a regimen of chemotherapy and/or radiation as the best chance of beating this terrifying disease.

Nonetheless, it is precisely when receiving such a diagnosis that a person most needs to remain calm and face the true facts, one of which is the fact that conventional cancer treatments do not represent the best course of action.

Many natural health advocates, including Mike Adams of Natural News, have for years been warning that chemotherapy is not only largely ineffective, but often dangerous. This fact has been backed up by several studies, including a recent study by a research team from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University. That study found that “chemotherapy, despite decreasing tumor size, increases the risk of metastatic dissemination.” In other words, on the surface, chemotherapy might appear to reduce the physical size of a tumor, but it increases the risk that the cancer will metastasize, or spread elsewhere in the body.


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