Read Omnibus Bill- Surprising Little Nuggets Hidden In Mammoth Bill As President Trump Announces ‘Build WALL Through Military’

The Wall: Another complaint seen quite a bit across the internet is the claim that the border wall is not funded, but a look at provisions within the bill, in conjunction with President Trump’s statement announcing his signature on the OmniBus bill, shows that the funds are there, and legally can be used to fund the entire wall, if Trump chooses to do so.

#MarchForOurLives Speaker Admits True Gun Control Plans

Ok, #MarchForOurLives supporters. Take a knee. We need to talk. Far be it from me to tell you how to take away our constitutional rights. I know you guys want us to believe that this is really about “gun safety” and not “gun control. Even though the facts on the ground say otherwise (see Top 5 Idiotic Moments From ‘March for Our Lives’ Gun Control Rally and Video: Anti-Gun Marchers Can’t Answer Basic Firearm Questions). You want us to believe you don’t really hate gun owners.

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