The malicious uses of AI: Why it’s urgent to prepare now

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), considered oxymorons by some, are changing many facets of our lives. “I believe 2018 is the year that this [artificial intelligence] will start to become mainstream, to begin to impact many aspects of our lives in a truly ubiquitous and meaningful way,” Ralph Haupter, president of Microsoft Asia, tells Catherine Clifford in this CNBC post.

Street drug laced with BUG SPRAY transforms casual users into crazed ZOMBIES

One of the least expensive but deadliest street drugs available today is known as KD, Katie or Zombie. This drug may contain different ingredients, but the common denominator is always bug spray. Users take marijuana, banana leaves, tobacco or spice and lace it with a bug spray, most often Raid. This concoction is then smoked, giving users a 45-minute high that leaves them virtually unconscious. Some people choose to make their own drugs, while others buy it for around $20 a bag. Irrespective of where they get it, however, it is incredibly addictive and absolutely lethal.

Cell tower radiation confirmed to cause cancer in animals

It’s not surprising that so many people have cancer nowadays. Carcinogens are in the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe. We might be able to control what we choose to eat and drink, but the invisible dangers you’re exposed to in your daily life are another story entirely. If you happen to live within range of a cell phone tower, the news is grim: Another study can now be added to the growing pile of evidence linking cell phone tower radiation with cancer.

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