The U.S. is in a Constitutional Crisis

Yesterday Attorney General Sessions announced that he was refusing to set up a special investigation into FBI and DOJ wrongdoing even though the evidence of corruption, illegalities and cover ups of Obama and Clinton scandals is rampant. A year ago Sessions had no problem with the creation of an unconstitutional investigation into President Trump when no crimes were committed.

Facebook Hires “Third-Party” Fact-Checkers To Stamp Out “Fake News”

As Facebook scrambles to avoid a potentially devastating fine from the Federal Trade Commission, the company announced more measures on Thursday seemingly designed to appease Democratic lawmakers like Senator Mark Warner who are insisting that strenuous regulations are the only way to ensure that Facebook does everything within its power to prevent state actors from “sowing discord” by planting disingenuous advertisements and posts on the company’s platform.

Daughter of “Autism Speaks” Founder Shares Shocking Information About Vaccines

Who is Katie Wright? She’s the mother of two children, 9 year old Mattias and 11 year old Christian. Christian has autism, and was the inspiration behind the creation of Autism Speaks, a foundation which creates awareness about autism and provides resources for parents and others who wish to learn more about it. Since it was founded in 2005, it has grown to be considered the world’s leading autism science and advocacy organization.

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