One False Flag Away From TEOTWAWKI, Is Covert Underground WW3 Preparation Now Taking Place?

Does the Deagel website’s 2025 forecasts show pre-knowledge of the forthcoming destruction of America? Considering that Deagel’s sources for the information seen in the graphic at the top of this story ARE the ‘deep state’ as seen below, we’ve got reason for concern, especially with what could be nuclear war coming to America should worst case scenarios come to pass with Russia.

[VIDEO] United Nations Goads World Into War

While the United Nations pick the winners and losers in a narrative fomenting World War. A totalitarian narrative that chooses to ignore the OPCM investigation that never had a chance. The Pentagon’s lies about that investigation and the video evidence that the FSA were staging chemical weapons attack training simulations. Based on the hubris of the globalist technocratic machine’s notion that most of us are too stupid to notice.

Smart Speakers And Their Potential Privacy Concerns

Some of the biggest companies in the U.S. have been selling smart speakers, which means they are artificially intelligent and can listen to people’s conversations. The extent to how much unwanted monitoring, or more aptly recording, is being conducted depends on the degree of privacy people are willing to give up — something that can be said for a lot of technology.

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