After criminalizing the Bible and medical choice, California is now trying to outlaw home schooling
If democrats had their way, every single young person in the country would have no choice but to go through the public education system, during which time they would all be indoctrinated with left wing, anti-conservative propaganda. They strongly believe in the idea that the state – not parents, but the state – should have more of a say in the upbringing of children. That’s why it shouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that the liberal state of California actually tried to pass a bill that could have done away with home schooling forever.
Initially scheduled to be heard on April 25 but ultimately pulled from the Education Committee’s agenda, AB 2926 stated: “This bill would require the Superintendent to establish a broadly representative and diverse advisory committee to advise the Superintendent and the State Board of Education on all appropriate matters relative to home schools, which the bill would define.”