Iran Warns Trump Of “Historic Regret” If US Withdraws From Nuclear Deal, Has “Plan To Counter Any Decision”

With less than a week to go until Donald Trump withdraws from the Iran nuclear deal on May 12 absent some last minute diplomatic miracle (the recent discovery of John Kerry’s covert involvement to preserve the deal will only cement Trump’s resolve to abandon Obama’s signature foreign diplomatic treaty), Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned the US of “historic regret” if it pulls out from the nuclear deal.


For the first time ever, human genetic modification will be carried out in Europe using the recently approved CRISPR gene editing technology. It will be used to try and treat beta thalassaemia, a debilitating blood disorder that lowers the body’s haemoglobin production. This red haemoglobin protein carries and delivers oxygen to the body’s tissues. That means, mainstream medicine is now venturing into unchartered territory with human genetic modification.

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