
For the first time ever, human genetic modification will be carried out in Europe using the recently approved CRISPR gene editing technology. It will be used to try and treat beta thalassaemia, a debilitating blood disorder that lowers the body’s haemoglobin production. This red haemoglobin protein carries and delivers oxygen to the body’s tissues. That means, mainstream medicine is now venturing into unchartered territory with human genetic modification.

An excellent article by Jon Rappoport warns us of the extreme dangers in genetic modification when using CRISPR gene editing technology. This new genetic modelling technology, such as CRISPR-Cas9, is more efficient, accurate and cheaper than earlier techniques, but many biotechnologists / researchers are blindly buying into its innovation, paying scant attention to the dangers. Computer algorithms are failing to predict hundreds of mutations produced by changing just 1 nucleotide…


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